Tag Archives: networking

Network By ‘Working Out Loud’ (Infographic)

networking is a contact sport

Networking! Most if not all of us do it in some form or another as a means to developing business, promoting a venture or to raise money and awareness for a philanthropic endeavor! Networking can take a variety of different forms and each of us has our own unique style for accomplishing whatever it is that […]

Hallmark Abstract Service At The Boom Business Network Trade Show

Boom Business Network Trade Show

On April 27, 2017 at the Huntington Hilton in Melville, New York, the Boom Business Network will be holding a trade show that promises to be one of the top business events of the year! Hallmark Abstract Service is pleased to announce that we will participating as one of the shows exhibitors and we’re looking […]

Commentary: Are You Keeping Your Business A Secret?

online marketing

Regardless of what your company does, no one will know unless they can find you! This article is not an advertisement for a website building company or an online marketing firm but, it is an observation of a basic yet critical marketing tool that some companies seem to have missed! Your Online Business Card! Are you […]

A 3-Step Method For Perfecting Your 2016 ‘Elevator Pitch’!

On Your Mark, Get Set GO…You now have 30 or 60 seconds to interest the perfect prospect in the product or service that you offer! We’ve all been there at one time or another. At a networking event, a business dinner or maybe a chance meeting in the elevator of an office building where we find […]

Are You A Networking Star Or Leech?

Summary: For most of us networking is a key to business development and, as in all endeavors, there are right ways and wrong ways to go about it! In our networking travels we have likely all met individuals who may fall into the category of those who ask much more than provide, take much more often […]

Ever Consider Spending $5MM For A Thirty Second Television Ad?

As we have witnessed in the past, on the worlds largest stage some businesses will clamor to do just that! During Super Bowl 50 where a thirty second ad spot will run a cool $5 million, the slate will likely be sold out well before the event is scheduled to take place. For the majority of us, […]

Leadership: Should You Be Feared Or Loved?

If, as Adam Grant wrote in a 2013 article ‘Give and Take’, leaders need to be givers, must they also be the consummate ‘nice guy’ as well? Givers Gain! On May 6 I had written an article offering the opinion that serial takers needed to be avoided at all costs and that like-minded people going out of […]

Serial Takers: Avoid Networking With These People At All Costs!

Anyone in a small business can closely relate to the following quote once famously uttered by Willy Wonka that went like this… ‘So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you.‘ The truth of the matter is that in addition to all of the daily jobs we do simply […]

Why You Need A Strong LinkedIn Presence!

Anyone who knows me understands that I put a great deal of emphasis on my LinkedIn profile and all-around presence on the platform! This includes attempting to have a profile that explains not only what I do and what I have done professionally, but other aspects about me personally as well that might give someone […]

Body Language Don’ts!

Hallmark Abstract Service

Whether in business or your personal life, there are many non-verbal cues that can tell the people you want to meet quite a bit about you before you even open your mouth! When walking into a room filled with possible prospects, contacts and people who you may not know, our basic instinct may be to […]