Category Archives: Business
A Look To The Post-Corononavirus Future: ‘Don’t Give Up. Don’t Ever Give Up!’

Picking Ourselves Up By The Bootstraps, And Focusing On The Future! We Have Been Here Before! I was watching television the other day, when a story came on that inspired me to want to write about the current situation that most Americans currently find themselves in. Month-long quarantine with business activity spotty at best. Those […]
Derivatives 101: Great Financial Tool Or Sinister Financial Time Bomb? – Update

(Note: Why is a title insurance company writing about investing and hedging tools like credit default swaps? Because the potential risk to the economy and to the financial well-being of all Americans would affect every industry and every business, title insurance included!) As a result of the travel firm Thomas Cook filing for bankruptcy a few days ago, […]
May 17th On Long Island: Two Experts Will Discuss Public Relations, Social Media Marketing And Networking For Your Business!

On May 17th the BOOM Business Expo will be held at the Long Island Hilton located on Rt. 110 from 3PM-8PM! There are 100 exhibitors expected and much, much more. Admission is Free using the code information below. Learn From The Best About Marketing And Growing Your Business! From 6PM-7PM in Executive Speaker Room #6, public relations, social media, […]
Talking Heads, Politicians, Economists and Fund Managers Tout Tax Cuts, Increased Consumer Spending And U.S. Economic Growth Of 3%-4%!

But, What If All Of These ‘Experts’ Are Wrong? Many point to the fact that 3%-4% U.S. (or even better) GDP growth may be just around the corner. Some wholeheartedly believe it while others may be somewhat skeptical. For them, however, having it occur would be beneficial to their clients and ultimately them. But at the same […]
In Business Nothing Lasts Forever But Change, While Unsettling, Can Often Be A Good Thing!

Opening the Business section of Long Island’s Newsday this morning imagine my shock to read the following headline: ‘REPLACING 1940 FOOD HOME‘ with a photo of Zorn’s Poultry Farm in the background! As someone who picks-up food from Zorn’s of Bethpage when I’m in the neighborhood, whenever we have guests at the house or for […]
Must-Read Articles From Across The World Of Business And Leadership!

Remember, although it’s hard to believe, there is more to the world of business, management and leadership than the specific and narrow niche of New York title insurance that HAS operates in! And because that’s the case, these are a variety of article from across the internet that readers of this blog may find interesting and […]
New York State And The IRS Put The Hammer Down On Business Development!

There are many ways to develop business relationships that vary in scope and size from the low-end of running into someone by chance, all the way to expending great amounts of money to curry favor with specific people! Of course then, as in most business efforts, there is the somewhere in the middle describing the actions of the majority. […]
Would Jeff Immelt Really Be The Right Man For The Uber CEO Job?

Jeff Immelt was at the helm of General Electric from 2000 until his departure at the beginning of August. Speculation now is that he may get the Uber CEO position! Why does his performance at GE’s helm indicate that he would do well as CEO of the troubled transportation technology firm? In general the decision […]
Register Now For A Phenomenal (And Free) April 27th Networking Expo On Long Island, New York!

On April 27th the Long Island Hilton located in Melville, Long Island, New York, will be hosting the 2017 BOOM B2B Expo and Executive Speaker Conference! Hallmark Abstract Service will be exhibiting and admission to the Exhibitor Hall is free, courtesy of the firm, by using mhaltman in the box that reads Discount Code at checkout. […]