Tag Archives: economists

Talking Heads, Politicians, Economists and Fund Managers Tout Tax Cuts, Increased Consumer Spending And U.S. Economic Growth Of 3%-4%!

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But, What If All Of These ‘Experts’ Are Wrong? Many point to the fact that 3%-4% U.S. (or even better) GDP growth may be just around the corner. Some wholeheartedly believe it while others may be somewhat skeptical. For them, however, having it occur would be beneficial to their clients and ultimately them. But at the same […]

Dilbert Explains Economics And Economists!

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If you have ever watched CNBC, listened to Bloomberg on your way to the train station or tried to decipher a Fed Chair’s press conference, what I am about to say will come as no surprise! That the economic ‘experts’ will sometimes, okay most of the time, okay all of the time, attempt to use […]

Are gray clouds hovering over the June employment report?

This morning the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the employment report for June and by all measures it appears to be that the numbers were great news! To further clarify that statement, however,it was a great report with the exception of one glaring mostly out-of-the-news statistic called the labor force participation rate. The labor force participation rate is the […]

GDP shrinkage: George Costanza economy Part 2! (Video)

GDP reported this morning at an annual ‘growth’ rate of -2.9%! Last month when the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) estimated that 1st-quarter GDP would actually drop 1% we asked the question whether the US economy was facing a condition that plagued George Costanza after swimming in a cold pool? In other words rather than expansion […]

The US: Do we have a George Costanza economy? (Video)

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Much like George blaming swimming in a cold pool for his shrinkage, can the negative 1% reading in GDP actually be attributed to weather? Much of the blame for any of the current economic weakness in the United States is being placed on harsh winter weather as in this note from AP: ‘The U.S. economy was […]