Tag Archives: business news

Must-Read Articles From Across The World Of Business And Leadership!

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Remember, although it’s hard to believe, there is more to the world of business, management and leadership than the specific and narrow niche of New York title insurance that HAS operates in! And because that’s the case, these are a variety of article from across the internet that readers of this blog may find interesting and […]

Stock Market Poised For A Staggering Decline? The Television Commercial Indicator Says It Very Well Might Be!

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I know what investors will say…’Who is this title insurance guy to be predicting that the stock market is ready to rollover, correct or decline precipitously?’… Is he a high-priced analysts at a hedge fund or talking head on the business news? You know, the ones who will typically say after a big down day in […]

Mistakes, I’ve Made A Few…

And regrets? Well I’ve had a few of those as well! In reality we all have because mistakes and regrets are both an integral part of the decision-making process that all humans go through. These decisions can be made either through omission or through commission but, needless to say, whichever method has been used they […]

Monday Morning Links: Why Are Stock Futures Down Over 300 Points*? (January 4, 2016)

As we head into 2016 the economic news out of China leaves something to be desired! And if China sneezes, does the rest of the world catch a cold? ‘Asian markets tumbled Monday on the first day of trading in 2016, with declines so steep in mainland China that authorities halted trading there for the […]

The Bullish Bias Of Business News

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As both an observer of, and participant in the financial markets for 30-years, one trend has remained annoyingly consistent! Focusing on stocks for the purposes of this article, I speak of course about the propensity for business news to incessantly downplay the significance of a bad market and to unabashedly cheerlead a good one. Maybe […]

Video Satire Of Every Economic News Report You Have Ever Watched!

In a strange twist of fate only one day after the article ‘Dilbert Explains Economics And Economists!‘ was released, this video satire portraying the sameness of news about the economy was discovered! The simple premise is that regardless of the news report you are watching, the focus and theme of the output when it comes […]

Dilbert Explains Economics And Economists!

title insurance,NYC,Long Island,Brooklyn,Manhattan,real estate

If you have ever watched CNBC, listened to Bloomberg on your way to the train station or tried to decipher a Fed Chair’s press conference, what I am about to say will come as no surprise! That the economic ‘experts’ will sometimes, okay most of the time, okay all of the time, attempt to use […]

Business Links of Interest for Monday, December 9, 2013!

so little time

For many of us the phrase ‘So much to do and so little time’ rings very true! And, as a result, we don’t always get to read or learn about topics that may not be specific to our business today and yet are important just the same! The links below are to articles that may […]