Tag Archives: title insurance

At The Real Estate Closing Table The Checks Being Written Can Be Very Large…

But It Is Likely NOT What You Think! When a real estate transaction is reaching its conclusion, the homebuyer is going to be asked to write checks made out to the title insurance company providing the policy for their new property. At times, because the numbers may be quite large, there may actually be a […]

Do You Ever Wonder About Living With Deadly Food Allergies? with Host Hallmark Abstract Service CEO Mike Haltman

Do You Ever Wonder? with your Host, Mike Haltman In this episode we welcome our special guest, Noreen Okarter, eating and living with deadly food allergies expert and founder of the firm Food Sitch! Listen here, https://areyouwondering.buzzsprout.com/. If after listening to the episode you would like to get in touch with Noreen, use the link to her […]

For builders, inflation continues to be a MAJOR issue!

Residential Construction Costs Continue To Soar! Courtesy of Wolf Street (a great blog to subscribe to!)… ‘…Construction costs of single-family houses spiked by 17.5% year-over-year in December, according to separate data from the Census Bureau today. This was the worst spike in the data going back to 1970. Compared to two years ago, construction costs […]

Covid-19: Where Are People Moving To?

Moving Trends, Covid-style… Some interesting statistics, courtesy of United Van Lines. Not much of a surprise, but density has seemed to play a major role… The Top Inbound States Vermont South Dakota South Carolina West Virginia Florida Alabama Tennessee Oregon Idaho Rhode Island The Top Outbound States New Jersey Illinois New York Connecticut California Michigan […]

Companies seek new office buildings, shun ‘aging’ ones!

Companies seek new office buildings, shun ‘aging’ ones! This has led to an uptick in the default rate for CMBS backed by ‘buildings with large vacancies and insufficient cash flow to pay back their debt’! The default rate in December hit 2.53%, up from 1.81% in November. Compounding the problem is the fact that companies […]

Tips for Apartment Rental Negotiations!

Tips for Renting an Apartment… For those willing to pull the apartment rental trigger at the beginning of the Covid pandemic, when it looked like New York City was finished and landlords were desperate, great deals were possible although at most they would last two years. Now it’s not that easy, and an article in […]

A Gameshow Analogy For Title Insurance!

Gameshow Preparation Techniques The following is a great and timely gameshow analogy for our business lives, personal lives and for life in general! Current Jeopardy champion Amy Schneider, with over $1MM in winnings spanning a 28-game victory streak, said this in a New York Times interview… “To be good at ‘Jeopardy!’ you just have to live […]

New York Title Insurance Costs – They CAN Be Mitigated!

Mitigation – Post-pandemic, and long after the term quarantine is nothing but a bad memory, mitigation will go back to its original meaning of ‘reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something’! And at that point the mitigation of virus spread will hopefully be nothing but a bad and sad memory! So if that’s the case, […]

A Look To The Post-Corononavirus Future: ‘Don’t Give Up. Don’t Ever Give Up!’

What does the future hold?

Picking Ourselves Up By The Bootstraps, And Focusing On The Future! We Have Been Here Before! I was watching television the other day, when a story came on that inspired me to want to write about the current situation that most Americans currently find themselves in. Month-long quarantine with business activity spotty at best. Those […]

Real Estate Considerations for Effect of COVID-19 on Purchase and Sale Agreements

In the new normal of coronavirus or COVID-19, uncertainties have suddenly arisen concerning personal conduct, personal freedom of movement and financial stability, leading to changes in the conduct and implied responsibilities of the various constituencies that are party to a real estate transaction. And while contractual customs and mechanics may vary from locale to locale, the […]