Category Archives: Investing

Derivatives 101: Great Financial Tool Or Sinister Financial Time Bomb? – Update

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(Note: Why is a title insurance company writing about investing and hedging tools like credit default swaps? Because the potential risk to the economy and to the financial well-being of all Americans would affect every industry and every business, title insurance included!) As a result of the travel firm Thomas Cook filing for bankruptcy a few days ago, […]

Predicting The Weather, Mortgage Rates, Commodity Prices Or Most Anything Else Is Not For The Faint Of Heart!

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When it comes to forecasting the majority of things, the art of prediction is not an endeavor consistently done well by most who attempt it! For anyone who has listened to economists forecast data releases and future GDP growth or meteorologists forecast this weekends weather, we know that they are typically wrong as often as […]

Stock Market Poised For A Staggering Decline? The Television Commercial Indicator Says It Very Well Might Be!

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I know what investors will say…’Who is this title insurance guy to be predicting that the stock market is ready to rollover, correct or decline precipitously?’… Is he a high-priced analysts at a hedge fund or talking head on the business news? You know, the ones who will typically say after a big down day in […]

Public Pension Funds Chasing Returns…Deja Vu All Over Again?

Remember the 2008 financial crisis? Of course you do as it crushed many individuals along with entities entrusted as fiduciary’s that were managing OPM or, other peoples money!  In the era leading-up to the implosion of the global financial markets, more than a few titans of finance from Wall Street to the streets of small school […]

Post-Election: Exuberance In Stocks, Carnage In Bonds And An Unknown For Real Estate!

Ten-year Treasury Bond Yield chart

Depending on your perspective as an investor in stocks, bonds or real estate, the post-election action in the financial markets has either been phenomenally great or dismally destructive! Of course if your portfolio is well diversified as the experts suggest that it should be, then that makes for an entirely different story altogether. Bond Market […]

Interesting Divergence Post-Brexit Between Stocks And Treasury Bond Price Action!

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Summary: Brexit: Stocks going up while treasury yields are going down? Intuitively it’s not necessarily supposed to be that way! The price action comparison between the stock market and the 10-year U.S. treasury yield since the Friday following the Brexit victory offers an interesting contrast and potential warning sign for investors! Stocks Since the huge move […]

‘Brexit’, Derivatives And Unemployed Drinkers!

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Summary: Whether we work in real estate, on Wall Street or maybe in the manufacture of widgets… What is the potential impact on global financial stability from a yes vote next week for Brexit? On June 23, 2016 Britain will be holding a referendum that will decide whether or not the country will remain in […]

Puerto Rico And Politics! (Video)

Puerto Rico default

Yesterday, May 2, the Puerto Rico Government Development Bank defaulted on approximately $422 million in debt payments! Long in fiscal disarray, this missed payment by Puerto Rico was merely the opening salvo in the Island’s debt crisis as over the summer approximately $2 billion more is going to be coming due. Consider for a moment why […]

The Credit Suisse Fear Barometer Hits A Record High!

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Summary: With the VIX near its lows why are there two so very different sides to the same coin? For those unfamiliar with the Credit Suisse Fear Barometer it is another metric for gauging investor angst and expectation! Knowledge Is Power – Francis Bacon To the everyday stock market watcher the most commonly used metric for […]

Oil Industry Exposure: Are Bank Stocks Telling A Story That Investors Should Be Listening To?

Often investors need to look for non-verbal clues concerning the actual direction the economy is heading in! But, for those who watch or read business news sources, you will typically find that every selloff is presented as a buying opportunity that will be coupled with the phrase ‘if you liked ____ stock at $___, you should […]