Tag Archives: economy

Record Low Treasury Yields: An Historic Opportunity in the Mortgage Market!

10-year treasury yield at 1.31%

With the 10-year treasury hitting an all-time record low yield today (February 25, 2020) of 1.31%, and mortgage rates at or near historic lows, does it seem to anyone else as if the banks are basically ‘giving’ their money away? For current homeowners with a mortgage already outstanding, or a property owner with far less […]

Stock Market Poised For A Staggering Decline? The Television Commercial Indicator Says It Very Well Might Be!

stock market photo

I know what investors will say…’Who is this title insurance guy to be predicting that the stock market is ready to rollover, correct or decline precipitously?’… Is he a high-priced analysts at a hedge fund or talking head on the business news? You know, the ones who will typically say after a big down day in […]

New York City Ultra-Luxury Real Estate – Is The Sky Falling Or…

NYC luxury real estate market

Summary: NYC Ultra-Luxury Residential Real Estate Market Targeted At The Superrich Getting Soft? Has the market reached a tipping point or is this merely the pause that refreshes? Is the sky staying right where it’s supposed to be but the prices for apartments located there certainly seem, shall we say, soft? In-other-words, in terms of the ultra-expensive listings […]

What ‘Brexit’ May Mean For The U.S. Real Estate Market!


Now that the ‘Brexit’ vote is in the books and ‘Leave’ the EU side is the victor, what might this mean for U.S. real estate? Some facts we know… Global Stock Markets Are Swooning! The British Pound Is Getting Hammered Versus Other Global Currencies! Interest Rates Are Falling Precipitously!  The List Of 7 Potential Impacts From […]

Did You Know…Real Estate, Law Jobs, Economy, Wall Street, Brexit And More!

Global news

9 Article Links To Scandal, Real Estate Statistics, Jobs, EU Break-Up And More! News, Economic Information And Just Plain Interesting Stuff That You May Have Missed! When you crack open the newspaper on the train or bus heading to work or perhaps navigate over to you favorite website that disseminates current events, you will be reading the same […]

Real Estate: Going Up Or Going Down?

Summary: In the game of musical chairs no one wants to be the last one standing when the music stops! That said, at what point of the song is this real estate cycle at? Billy Joel: ‘Cause the good ole days weren’t always good and tomorrow ain’t as bad as it seems!’ In the early […]

The Central Bank Casino…BOJ, Fed, Real Estate And Mortgage Rates!

Zirp and Nirp

(Note: This article also appears at econintersect.com) This week both the Bank of Japan and the Federal Reserve will be meeting to chart the future course of interest rates! In the U.S. where prior to the recent small interest rate hike ZIRP or zero interest rate policy had been in place, speculation over whether the Fed will raise or stand […]

The Credit Suisse Fear Barometer Hits A Record High!

VIX,fear index

Summary: With the VIX near its lows why are there two so very different sides to the same coin? For those unfamiliar with the Credit Suisse Fear Barometer it is another metric for gauging investor angst and expectation! Knowledge Is Power – Francis Bacon To the everyday stock market watcher the most commonly used metric for […]

Are NYC Office Rents Sustainable Or About To Take A Leg Down?


Businesses obviously hope that New York City office rents come down but, why would such a decline occur? If office rents were to come down in NYC perhaps the reason could be described in just one phrase, ‘Supply and Demand‘! The fact is that New York City will experience a huge amount of new office inventory that is or […]

Forget The Posturing And Political Games, We Have A Nation To Run! (Video)

political opinion,2016 presidential election

It occurs on both sides of the political aisle and I for one, am getting very tired of it all a full 10 9 months before the November election! I speak, of course, of the three P’s! These three P’s (there are likely more) consist of the pandering, promises andpolitical maneuvering that takes place all of the time in Washington. And […]