Tag Archives: 2016 presidential election

Election 2016: What Impact Will A New POTUS Have On The Housing Market?

donkey and elephant photo

Round and round the two candidates for President of the United States go, and who will win next Tuesday we still don’t know! But, whether you back the candidate that’s represented by a Donkey or an Elephant, if you’re in the real estate business the question is what the eventual outcome of the election may have […]

If You’re In Business How Will You Choose Your Candidate For President?

On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Americans will be called upon to cast a vote for the new POTUS along with a slew of Congressmen and Senators! For many Americans the choice, particularly for the new occupant of the White House, may be a difficult one. That said, this article is not meant to advocate for one […]

Who Does The Real Estate Industry Want…Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

real estate and politics

In politics and business much can be learned by following the money trail from donors to candidates! Of course many (most) firms play both sides of the aisle by donating to candidates from each of the two major political parties but, in the case of the real estate industry, have the major players shown a preference for […]

Forget The Posturing And Political Games, We Have A Nation To Run! (Video)

political opinion,2016 presidential election

It occurs on both sides of the political aisle and I for one, am getting very tired of it all a full 10 9 months before the November election! I speak, of course, of the three P’s! These three P’s (there are likely more) consist of the pandering, promises andpolitical maneuvering that takes place all of the time in Washington. And […]