Tag Archives: homebuyers

The Return of New York City…

‘NYC subways hit another pandemic ridership high as reopening continues’ ‘…The MTA announced on Friday that more than 2.3 million people rode the subway last Friday, May 21 — another new pandemic record that also represented a week-over-week ridership growth of about 100,000 riders…’ Read the rest of the story at AMNewYork here, https://www.amny.com/new-york/nyc-subways-hit-another-pandemic-ridership-high-may-24-2021/ ______________________________________________ But […]

Closing A New York State Real Estate Transaction in the Age of Coronavirus!

Today, and rightfully so, parties to a real estate transaction are loath to sit in close proximity to each other regardless of the degree of social distancing being used! In certain instances they may also be unavailable for a sit-down as they are quarantining themselves voluntarily or, because they feel ill, have been exposed to […]

Hallmark Abstract Service: Title Insurance Warrior!

Hallmark Abstract Service! We are able to protect supertall buildings in a single transaction across New York State! And, we are expert in protecting single-family homebuyers, commercial property buyers and mortgage refinancers in every real estate transaction that they enter into! Hallmark Abstract Service Is Open For Business And Stands Ready To Serve The New York […]

How Do You Mitigate Various Types Of Risk?

Mitigating real estate risk

Risk is a small word that covers a large range of issues and scenarios including health, investing, recreation and of course, real estate! One need only look at the stock market futures this morning to understand the often-used phrase of ‘risk-off’ that describes the environment where investors take some money off of the table and sell. At-the-same-time, […]

New York State Title Insurance Claims – The Most Common Are…

Whenever you buy an insurance policy you may or may not be expecting to ever have to submit a claim! If it’s health insurance you know that at some point during the year you will need to go to a doctor or specialist and will utilize whatever insurance you may have. Whether or not you will get reimbursed depends […]

Buying a Property in New York? Remember You Have the RIGHT to Choose Your Title Insurance Provider!

Who is providing your title insurance in New York

Does it Matter Which Company Provides the Title Insurance for Your Real Estate Transaction? If you are a New Yorker buying a primary home, a second home or a commercial property, more often than not your attorney will choose the title insurance provider for your transaction. And truth-be-told, the first time you even hear about […]

Title Insurance: 5 Things Every New York State Homebuyer Or Refinancer Of A Mortgage, Should Know!

Hallmark Abstract NY title insurance

Typically a homebuyer will let their attorney take the lead when it comes to the title insurance portion of a purchase transaction! (Updated, January 2020) Similarly those refinancing a mortgage will do the same with their lending institution. And given that the relationship between the attorney or banker and their client is based on trust, […]

Why Is The Residential Real Estate Market Under-performing Its Potential?

single family home photo

Is it a good time to buy a home? A good time to sell? Time to sit on your hands and do nothing? Looking at simple statistics such as new home sales, existing homes sales, and housing starts may not tell the entire story or provide any real insight! So is there a metric that […]

Buying Real Estate In New York State? Does The Title Insurance Underwriter Being Used Actually Matter?

Summary: ‘In the New York State title insurance marketplace there are many underwriter options for a policy but, at the end of the day, it is the financial strength of an underwriter and the title insurance expertise of the company preparing the policy that should be the primary consideration for any consumer!’ Imagine for a second […]

Yield Curve Flattening: What Does This Mean For The Real Estate Market?

federal reserve photo

Update: Mortgage Rates Jump to 7-Year Highs May 15 2018, 4:02PM Mortgage rates spiked in a big way today, bringing some lenders to the highest levels in nearly 7 years (you’d need to go back to July 2011 to see worse). That heavy-hitting headline is largely due to the fact that rates were already fairly close […]