Tag Archives: national security

If You’re In Business How Will You Choose Your Candidate For President?

On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Americans will be called upon to cast a vote for the new POTUS along with a slew of Congressmen and Senators! For many Americans the choice, particularly for the new occupant of the White House, may be a difficult one. That said, this article is not meant to advocate for one […]

Opinion: Apple, Encryption, National Security And Terrorism!

The law, politics, business and national security don’t always have a place in the same story but… In the case of the San Bernardino terrorists and the secrets that may be stored on their the Apple iPhones, they do! Here’s a synopsis: ‘Apple said on Wednesday that it would oppose and challenge a federal court order […]

Iran nuclear deal and the art of negotiation

Is the nuclear deal cut by the Obama administration going to be good for your business, your country and the world? As the owner of a title insurance business, very often I need to make strategic decisions that can and will affect me over the short-term but, more importantly, over the long-term as well. If […]

Your Money: Munich Pact Versus Iran Nuclear Deal

Is an Iran nuclear deal now a fait accompli? In light of what appears to be a nuclear deal with Iran that likely will be approved by Washington in one way or another, the adage of ‘if we don’t remember history then we are doomed to repeat it’ immediately comes to my mind! But ignoring for a […]

The US Economic Monitor – Week of October 27, 2014

US economy

Under the assumption that most Americans would like to keep an eye on their money, the US Economic Calendar for the week of October 27, 2014 is a great tool to have at your disposal! With economic and political uncertainty more of the rule than exception, this weeks key economic releases and corporate earnings may hold […]