Category Archives: US economy

Little Inflation With A 0% Fed Funds Rate…Is A Hyper-Inflation Scenario On The Horizon? Or Maybe Deflation?

Reading an Op-Ed from the American Enterprise Institute concerning the issues facing the European economy and the tools (or lack thereof) available to the ECB for fighting them, I was reminded of a conversation that I had over the weekend. How I was asked, do you know when it tis time to get out of the […]

The Financial World According To Jamie Dimon Of JPMorgan Chase!

In one sentence this is how Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase sees our financial future… ‘There will be another crisis’! Does Jamie Dimon, often held out as one of the smartest minds in banking and the financial world in general, know something that the rest of us don’t know? Or, is the handwriting on the […]

Does The Decline In The U.S. Home Ownership Rate Portend A Problem?

household formation,home ownership rate

  Summary: With various housing statistics suggesting different things concerning the overall strength of the real estate market, which will ultimately prove to be correct? Or will the fact that the rate of household formation spiked in the 4th-quarter of 2014 when compared to 2013 mitigate this issue and lead to a home buying surge? […]

The US Economy: ‘What’s in your wallet?’

27 Statistics About The U.S. Middle Class Summary: Do you consider yourself a member of the middle class or has it become increasingly difficult to know that answer for sure? Much commentary continually gets bandied about concerning the state of the middle class in the United States! One side of the political argument (typically the incumbents […]

Are equity and economic analysts whistling past the proverbial graveyard?

Or will their prognostications for 2015 be spot-on? As we enter 2015 stock market analysts are generally predicting a positive year although not in the double digit range that has been forecast in prior years! Economists also see US economic growth in 2015 moving higher with some actually predicting above 3% for the first time […]

The US Economic Monitor – Week of October 27, 2014

US economy

Under the assumption that most Americans would like to keep an eye on their money, the US Economic Calendar for the week of October 27, 2014 is a great tool to have at your disposal! With economic and political uncertainty more of the rule than exception, this weeks key economic releases and corporate earnings may hold […]

The US Economy: Trick or Treat?

US economy,NYC,Long Island

If you are a business owner or entrepreneur is FEAR a permissible emotion? By virtue of the fact that you started your own business, are running a business or are in the process of bringing a new product or service to market, can fear of current and near-future economic conditions stand in your way as an […]

What does a 2.35% 10-year Treasury note yield mean to you?

For those who may not follow the government bond market, 2.35% is the current yield of the 10-year Treasury note! That said, the 52-week low yield for this benchmark security is a mere 4 basis points away at 2.31%. So why, given the fact that the powers that be are trumpeting a stronger and improving […]

Economic numbers you need to know…Week of July 7, 2014

US Economic Calendar for the Week of July 7, 2014 The economic calendar in this article provides the days and times for this weeks key releases containing data that will impact the direction interest rates may move in the short and intermediate-term. In addition it will provide anecdotal evidence about the future direction of US economic growth and actual proof of the […]

Are gray clouds hovering over the June employment report?

This morning the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the employment report for June and by all measures it appears to be that the numbers were great news! To further clarify that statement, however,it was a great report with the exception of one glaring mostly out-of-the-news statistic called the labor force participation rate. The labor force participation rate is the […]