Tag Archives: debt

Little Inflation With A 0% Fed Funds Rate…Is A Hyper-Inflation Scenario On The Horizon? Or Maybe Deflation?

Reading an Op-Ed from the American Enterprise Institute concerning the issues facing the European economy and the tools (or lack thereof) available to the ECB for fighting them, I was reminded of a conversation that I had over the weekend. How I was asked, do you know when it tis time to get out of the […]

Is Distressed Debt A Harbinger Of A Declining US Economy?

distressed debt,bonds,high yield

Summary: At levels not seen since the financial crisis, is the distressed debt ratio sending a clear signal about the health of the US economy? Will the Fed or won’t the Fed and, in fact, at the end of the day does it even matter when considering the health of lower rated companies? High Yield Bonds: ‘A […]

9 Charts Indicating That The Fed May Not Raise Rates!

The Federal Reserve has a dual mandate: Stable prices and maximum employment! Given the state of that mandate vis a vis the current condition of the U.S. economy, the answer to the question of if and when the Fed will begin to raise rates is that no one knows. But nonetheless that question has become […]

Law School Debt: The Numbers For 2014 Graduates!

For those students who took on debt to attend law school, some of the dollar amounts that they accumulated is astounding! The question ultimately then becomes whether many will be able to pay that debt back and therefore, whether the investment was a good one? Some will of course get great paying jobs and have little problem, while for […]

Financial Troika: Greece, China And Puerto Rico!

Do Americans, waking-up to the fact that Greece has voted NO to its creditors demands, also understand the risks posed by China and Puerto Rico? Not to mention the potential for serious financial angst in other U.S. cities and countries around the world such as Italy and Spain when they see how Greece makes out. The […]

Greek Beer versus Bonds

Sunday the Greeks will be holding a vote on whether or not the country wants to stay in the Eurozone (as I write this the outcome is termed to close to call)! But certainly the story, regardless of whether the vote there is yay or nay, likely does not end there. Unfortunately excessive debt is certainly not […]

The US Economy: ‘What’s in your wallet?’

27 Statistics About The U.S. Middle Class Summary: Do you consider yourself a member of the middle class or has it become increasingly difficult to know that answer for sure? Much commentary continually gets bandied about concerning the state of the middle class in the United States! One side of the political argument (typically the incumbents […]

Is the US facing a coming shortage of lawyers?

law school,lawyers,law,attorney

This question is based on a recent study showing that in Fall 2014 enrollment in law schools has reached a 27-year low! Is this decline in law school enrollment a harbinger of the US facing a shortage of lawyers at some point in the future? And, if we do face a shortage, before you start […]

Investor Vigilance: Uber And New York City Taxi Medallions!

NYC,Uber,taxi medallions,investing

In New York City the competition from yellow cab alternatives like Uber has eroded the value of taxi medallions! And, as with most ‘revolutionary’ ideas, the sudden change in the way the taxi industry does business has led to unintended consequences, this time in the investment arena. Using a loose analogy to the hand-held phone […]

Cartoon: Student Loan Satire

Student loan debt

The cartoon below provides a tongue-in-cheek alternative payback method for unemployed or under-employed recent college graduates! Currently the recent college graduate unemployment rate in the nation is running in the range of 8.5% compared to the overall national average under 6% (new employment data will be released tomorrow). This statistic, when coupled with an average […]