Tag Archives: election 2016

Commentary: Politicians And Empty Promises!

lying politicians pandering for votes

Summary: Regardless of political party affiliation listen less to what the politicians running for office is promising, and more to whether what they promise is actually viable or economically feasible! ‘Commentary: Politicians And Their Promises That Can’t Ever Actually Be Kept!‘ Ronald Reagan: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.‘ My Conclusion First: I […]

Presidential Election: What Would Each Candidate Mean For Your Federal Income Tax Liability! (Tax Calculator)

In addition to many other issues, your choice of candidate in the 2016 presidential election will have an impact on your wealth! Specifically each of the candidates has their own opinion as it relates to the way in which federal income taxes should be collected and on which income brackets that the greatest tax burden should […]

Elections Have Consequences! (Opinion)

It’s a worrisome development that American society appears to be trending away from valuing integrity, charity and morality! And instead it’s delusions of grandeur and a focus on notoriety, fame and wealth that seems to be winning the day! Whether business, politics or day-to-day news, our culture has lurched towards the old Hollywood adage that ‘any publicity is good […]

The US Economy: ‘What’s in your wallet?’

27 Statistics About The U.S. Middle Class Summary: Do you consider yourself a member of the middle class or has it become increasingly difficult to know that answer for sure? Much commentary continually gets bandied about concerning the state of the middle class in the United States! One side of the political argument (typically the incumbents […]