Tag Archives: mortgage rates

Higher Commercial Mortgage Rates + Higher Cap Rates + Lower Building Valuations = Refinancing Problems And Finally, Distressed Commercial Properties!

Distressed Commercial Real Estate With interest rates spiking, cap rates moving higher and building valuations therefore trending lower, commercial building owners may be facing some significant headwinds when the time comes to refinance the mortgage on their building. In business, finance and the economy the John Templeton phrase ‘this time it’s different’, is typically invoked […]

Little Inflation With A 0% Fed Funds Rate…Is A Hyper-Inflation Scenario On The Horizon? Or Maybe Deflation?

Reading an Op-Ed from the American Enterprise Institute concerning the issues facing the European economy and the tools (or lack thereof) available to the ECB for fighting them, I was reminded of a conversation that I had over the weekend. How I was asked, do you know when it tis time to get out of the […]

3 Often Overlooked Expenses in Home Ownership

3 Often Overlooked Expenses in Home Ownership Perhaps your family has outgrown the small apartment you’re currently renting, or maybe you want to expand your already thriving collection of vacation properties. Whatever your reason might be for purchasing a new home, it’s important to ready your bank accounts for this major undertaking. Recent months have […]

Can U.S. Interest Rates Ever Be Allowed To Rise, I Ask Again Three Years Later?

Spoiler Alert: The simple answer is that of course they can in the event of runaway inflation and/or an overheated economy, but in light of $26 trillion in federal debt that will soon rise by at least $1 trillion through additional stimulus (not to mention budget deficits for the foreseeable future), the question is whether […]

Mortgage Shopping: Ten Questions You May Have For Your Mortgage Loan Officer!

Money tree for borrowers

  With the 10-year treasury crossing below .75% this morning, potential homebuyers and those on the fence about refinancing may hop off, and pursue a mortgage loan! In other words, with rates at current levels are banks and other lending institutions offering borrowers the opportunity to basically ‘pick money off of the proverbial money tree’? […]

What Percentage of Your Income Should Go Towards Paying Apartment Rent?

Income to Rent ratio

In the New York City apartment rental market, what is the appropriate rent/income ratio that is required to be paid by individuals seeking shelter?  Sadly if you’re a renter and gladly if you’re the building owner, market conditions mandate that many in NYC are paying 50% or more of their income for an apartment… And not for […]

Record Low Treasury Yields: An Historic Opportunity in the Mortgage Market!

10-year treasury yield at 1.31%

With the 10-year treasury hitting an all-time record low yield today (February 25, 2020) of 1.31%, and mortgage rates at or near historic lows, does it seem to anyone else as if the banks are basically ‘giving’ their money away? For current homeowners with a mortgage already outstanding, or a property owner with far less […]

Inflation And Mortgage Rates (Charts)

The Federal Reserve has two fundamental mandates: maximum employment and stable prices with an upper limit it sets for an acceptable inflation rate! When employment reaches a level that’s known as full and a strong economy results in a shortage of available qualified workers, upward wage pressure can cause the inflation rate to rise. Similarly, when commodity prices […]

Must-Read Articles From Across The World Of Business And Leadership!

business news photo

Remember, although it’s hard to believe, there is more to the world of business, management and leadership than the specific and narrow niche of New York title insurance that HAS operates in! And because that’s the case, these are a variety of article from across the internet that readers of this blog may find interesting and […]

Rising Rates Won’t Kill The Stock Market Rally, But What About Real Estate? (Chart)

Will an increase in borrowing costs bring the hammer down on homebuyers or, at these levels, is that concern much ado about nothing?

With the Janet Yellen-led Fed raising the fed funds target range while signaling more hikes may be in the immediate future, will rising rates kill the stock market rally? And, by the same token, will the rising mortgage rates that will accompany the Federal Reserve tightening policy bring the hammer down on the real estate market through […]