Tag Archives: real estate tips

Mortgage Shopping: Ten Questions You May Have For Your Mortgage Loan Officer!

Money tree for borrowers

  With the 10-year treasury crossing below .75% this morning, potential homebuyers and those on the fence about refinancing may hop off, and pursue a mortgage loan! In other words, with rates at current levels are banks and other lending institutions offering borrowers the opportunity to basically ‘pick money off of the proverbial money tree’? […]

What Are Air Rights, and What Do They Mean for CRE Developers and Investors? by Matt Frankel

Tutorial about air rights

The phrase air rights, depending on who you you’re speaking with, conjures up various thoughts and opinions over exactly what they are! There is of course the environmental and aviation context, but for the purposes of this article we speak of the ability for a developer to build a building to a certain vertical height. One can possess air rights […]

How Do You Mitigate Various Types Of Risk?

Mitigating real estate risk

Risk is a small word that covers a large range of issues and scenarios including health, investing, recreation and of course, real estate! One need only look at the stock market futures this morning to understand the often-used phrase of ‘risk-off’ that describes the environment where investors take some money off of the table and sell. At-the-same-time, […]

New York State Title Insurance Claims – The Most Common Are…

Whenever you buy an insurance policy you may or may not be expecting to ever have to submit a claim! If it’s health insurance you know that at some point during the year you will need to go to a doctor or specialist and will utilize whatever insurance you may have. Whether or not you will get reimbursed depends […]

Title Insurance: 5 Things Every New York State Homebuyer Or Refinancer Of A Mortgage, Should Know!

Hallmark Abstract NY title insurance

Typically a homebuyer will let their attorney take the lead when it comes to the title insurance portion of a purchase transaction! (Updated, January 2020) Similarly those refinancing a mortgage will do the same with their lending institution. And given that the relationship between the attorney or banker and their client is based on trust, […]

Homebuyer Advice: Ten Roadblocks That Could Potentially Delay/Kill Your Closing

Spring is upon us which means that eager homebuyers, particularly those with school-age children, will be looking to go into contract and close before the 2017-2018 school year gets under way! The Hallmark Abstract Service blog has provided these types of tips in the past but, reinforcing the message is never a bad idea… The […]

How Do You Select The Right Real Estate Agent? (Infographic)

real estate agent,homebuyer,home seller

Whether you are a seller or buyer of what is, or will likely be, the largest financial transaction of your life…  Selecting the right real estate agent is a key piece of the puzzle! That said, and with the plethora of real estate agents in the marketplace to select from, how does a consumer make […]

Real Estate Reading List: 48 Excellent Blogs!

For those of us who work or play in some segment of real estate whether buying, selling, rehabilitating, financing or flipping…. …remaining on top of issues, developments and trends in the marketplace is one of the critical pieces that helps to ensure our success. With that in mind this list of 48 real estate blogs […]

The ‘tell’ of a home seller!

title insurance New York,New York City,Long Island

What does a poker-style ‘tell’ have to do with buying a home? Well let’s first define a ‘tell’! Tell: an unconscious action that is thought to betray an attempted deception. In real estate the dance between a potential buyer and seller often has each side trying to convince the other side of certain things. Buyers will […]