Tag Archives: real estate attorney

Role-Playing in New York Real Estate!

The Role of Hallmark Abstract Service is Straightforward! Straightforward in terms of the end result leading to a title insurance policy, but in the age of coronavirus the process has most definitely required a greater degree of creativity due to business and governmental closures along with the need for social distancing! As a title insurance […]

Closing A New York State Real Estate Transaction in the Age of Coronavirus!

Today, and rightfully so, parties to a real estate transaction are loath to sit in close proximity to each other regardless of the degree of social distancing being used! In certain instances they may also be unavailable for a sit-down as they are quarantining themselves voluntarily or, because they feel ill, have been exposed to […]

The Attorney’s Role in New York Real Estate Transactions – Michele Cea, Esq.

In light of the CLE that Hallmark Abstract Service sponsored this weekend titled ‘Uncovering the Landmines Buried Deep in the New York Residential Real Estate Contract‘ that was hosted by attorney Vincent J. Gallo, we offer the article below authored by attorney Michele Cea of the firm Cea Legal, P.C. titled ‘The Attorney’s Role in […]

Title Insurance: 5 Things Every New York State Homebuyer Or Refinancer Of A Mortgage, Should Know!

Hallmark Abstract NY title insurance

Typically a homebuyer will let their attorney take the lead when it comes to the title insurance portion of a purchase transaction! (Updated, January 2020) Similarly those refinancing a mortgage will do the same with their lending institution. And given that the relationship between the attorney or banker and their client is based on trust, […]

Five Critical Considerations For Homebuyers And Mortgage Shoppers Alike, Before They Pull The Trigger!

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When you are planning to buy a home, and perhaps acquire a mortgage, what are some of the key considerations that should go into the decision-making process? Some advice from Warren Goldberg, President of Mortgage Wealth Advisors in New York… For most Americans, homeownership is the American Dream and has provided the cornerstone to building […]

No tips, please: Title closers say gratuities ban will cripple them – The Real Deal

New York State title closer compensation

This headline from an article at The Real Deal describes the situation that title closers, and by extension real estate attorney’s and title companies, in New York began facing as of yesterday, December 18, 2017! This is the day that the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) Regulation 208 officially went into effect […]

Information For NON-Real Estate Focused Attorney’s In New York…

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  … Who have been asked to represent the buyer in a real estate transaction! Imagine that you’re an attorney in New York with a focus and concentration on matters that have NOTHING to do with transactional residential or commercial real estate! Whether it’s trust & estates, matrimonial, bankruptcy or one of the other specialties […]

Residential Real Estate Buyers: Beware Of Wire Fraud Scams!

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Phishing, spoofing, cyberfraud and spyware are all terms that relate to a third party’s desire to invade your computer and, in many instances, to compromise your non-public information! In other words these scams are designed in their most malicious form to steal a consumers personal information, whether birthdate, social security number or credit cards, and utilize them […]

Homebuyer Advice: Ten Roadblocks That Could Potentially Delay/Kill Your Closing

Spring is upon us which means that eager homebuyers, particularly those with school-age children, will be looking to go into contract and close before the 2017-2018 school year gets under way! The Hallmark Abstract Service blog has provided these types of tips in the past but, reinforcing the message is never a bad idea… The […]

Title Insurance: Do You Know What You’re Paying For?

title insurance ripoffs

Can a homebuyer or mortgage refinancer actually pay too much buying title insurance? Isn’t title insurance all the same no matter who’s providing it? Won’t my attorney/mortgage banker be looking out for my best interests? The answers to those questions are a qualified yes, no and hopefully so! With the Spring buying season now upon us and […]