Tag Archives: title insurance junk fees

New York Title Insurance Costs – They CAN Be Mitigated!

Mitigation – Post-pandemic, and long after the term quarantine is nothing but a bad memory, mitigation will go back to its original meaning of ‘reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something’! And at that point the mitigation of virus spread will hopefully be nothing but a bad and sad memory! So if that’s the case, […]

How Do You Mitigate Various Types Of Risk?

Mitigating real estate risk

Risk is a small word that covers a large range of issues and scenarios including health, investing, recreation and of course, real estate! One need only look at the stock market futures this morning to understand the often-used phrase of ‘risk-off’ that describes the environment where investors take some money off of the table and sell. At-the-same-time, […]

Hallmark Abstract Service: Our Laser Focus Is On YOU And YOUR Real Estate Transactions Success!

Hallmark Abstract NY title insurance

In Every Transaction Hallmark Abstract Serves Two Major Constituencies While Focusing On One Overriding Mission! The overriding mission and laser-focus of Hallmark Abstract Service when entrusted with the title insurance portion of a residential or commercial real estate transaction, is very simple… Ensuring that the buyer will never have an issue with a third party attempting […]

Real Estate, Title Insurance And A Reduced Stress Journey!

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A commercial or residential real estate attorney in New York focused on transactional work, understands the pressure of bringing a deal from contract signing to the exchanging of keys at the closing table! This process of getting from Point A to the finish line can be fraught with obstacles and stumbling blocks, any one of which having the […]

Title Insurance, Consumer Protection And Beating A Dead Horse!

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Over the years Hallmark Abstract Service has strived to educate the real estate buying community in New York about what they need to know about the title insurance they will be purchasing in the course of their commercial or residential transaction!  The firm has written many articles that stress some of the critical title insurance issues that they, […]

Buying Real Estate In New York State? Does The Title Insurance Underwriter Being Used Actually Matter?

Summary: ‘In the New York State title insurance marketplace there are many underwriter options for a policy but, at the end of the day, it is the financial strength of an underwriter and the title insurance expertise of the company preparing the policy that should be the primary consideration for any consumer!’ Imagine for a second […]

Title Insurance And Havoc In The New York Real Estate Market?

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December 19, 2017: After Regulation 208 Went Into Effect On December 18th, The Following Day NYSDFS Issued A Stay Expiring February 2, 2018 That Will Allow One Specific Activity Eradicated By The Regulation To Continue… Candidly, of all the new directives in Regulation 208 that will impact title companies, a stay on this specific one is […]

Equifax Redux As Additional NPI Leaks Are Discovered!

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In the midst of national weather disasters tragically now coupled with the mass murder in Las Vegas, the Equifax data breach story has been placed on the back-burner! But, is that where it belongs? Applying For A Mortgage, Some Other Type of Credit Or Maybe Something As Basic As Searching For A Job? For the tens of millions […]

Information For NON-Real Estate Focused Attorney’s In New York…

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  … Who have been asked to represent the buyer in a real estate transaction! Imagine that you’re an attorney in New York with a focus and concentration on matters that have NOTHING to do with transactional residential or commercial real estate! Whether it’s trust & estates, matrimonial, bankruptcy or one of the other specialties […]

Consolidation In The Title Insurance Industry And Affiliated Business Arrangements: Good Or Bad For The Real Estate Or Mortgage Consumer?

When should the purchaser of commercial and residential real estate or the refinancer of a mortgage in New York State get a second opinion on the title bill provided by the title insurance company being utilized? Or ask other questions about the title insurance policy to be provided at closing? Answer: Each and every time! […]