Tag Archives: risk reward

How Do You Mitigate Various Types Of Risk?

Mitigating real estate risk

Risk is a small word that covers a large range of issues and scenarios including health, investing, recreation and of course, real estate! One need only look at the stock market futures this morning to understand the often-used phrase of ‘risk-off’ that describes the environment where investors take some money off of the table and sell. At-the-same-time, […]

China: What Impact If Any On The 2016 U.S. CRE Market?

China,commercial real estate

The chart below should tell you much of what you need to know about the likely condition of the ‘wealth effect’ in China!   Will any potential change in this so-called wealth effect cause investors in China (or anywhere else around the world) to pullback on commercial real estate investment in the United States? Wealth Effect: The […]

Is it time to quit your job?

A question some people likely ask themselves every day although it can be a frightening prospect and potentially risky career move! Perhaps you’re bored or feel that you’re being under-appreciated and underpaid. Maybe you’re getting a vibe that the powers-that-be are planning a reorganization in which you and your job are going to be casualties. […]

Observations about the capital markets and commercial real estate

These are some great observations about the current condition the commercial real estate market as well as the capital markets that provide the financing from Rick Jones at Crunched Credit! Structural complexity is returning to the marketplace in the search for yield.  Many will say that’s bad.  I think that’s Luddite thinking. There continues an […]

Residential new construction building costs breakdown!

title insurance New York

If you have ever wondered about the various components that go into the cost of new residential construction, the chart in this article from a survey of builders conducted by the NAHB will provide some clarity! For any of us who have ever bought a house or even thought about buying a house we often […]