Tag Archives: New York real estate attorney

Guest Author: Title Insurance: Determining an Insured’s Loss and Calculating the Damages, Adam Leitman Bailey

Title Insurance: An often misunderstood, and potentially not understood at all, product purchased by buyers of residential and commercial property in New York that will protect them in what very well could be the largest financial transaction of their lives! The short explanation is that title insurance is ensuring that the buyer of property is […]

Introducing The Hallmark Abstract Service Title Insurance Video Education Series!

For most of the 12+ years that Hallmark Abstract Service has been providing title insurance for New York State residential and commercial real estate transactions, we have been writing articles and using other means such as social media, to educate the consumer about what is often the unknown ‘commodity’ of title insurance! We have placed ‘commodity’ […]

Oy Vey! Is VUI-202012/01 On Its Way From The U.K. To America?

Are Virtual Real Estate Closings (and empty closing tables) in New York On Their Way Back? Summary: New York hopefully never gets there (shutdown) due to the new coronavirus strain in the U.K., but if we do Hallmark Abstract Service is ready! The new even more contagious coronavirus variant may/could result in new shutdowns across New […]

A Hallmark Abstract Service Thanksgiving Turkey Story: Epilogue!

On Thanksgiving Hallmark Abstract Service provided a twist on an old riddle, ‘Why did the chicken cross the road?’ A Hallmark Abstract Service Thanksgiving Turkey Story: Epilogue! So Why Did the Turkey Cross the Road? One reason, obviously, was trying to get away from the chef with the knife and fork, actually a bit of […]


As a bonus to the readers of the Hallmark Abstract Service blog, we will periodically feature industry experts as guest authors. In this role they provide an inside look at topics surrounding the New York residential and commercial real estate industry with information that is invaluable! If anyone would ever like to contribute, articles need not […]

New York Homebuyer, Attorney or Real Estate Agent? Calculate Title Insurance Costs, On Demand, With The Hallmark Abstract Service App!

Calculate  New York Title Insurance Costs at the Very Beginning of a Transaction, Using The ‘GET A QUOTE’ App in the Lower Right-hand Corner of the Hallmark Abstract Service Website!  You can also install our app on your phone to access a title insurance quote anywhere, and in realtime (contact info@hallmarkabstractllc.com for details). In A New York State […]

Buying a Home in New York? What You Don’t Know Can Hurt (Cost) You!

Shopping for a home entails many factors that need to be considered, including financial, personal preferences, practicality, objectivity and realism! While we all have visions in our minds about the ‘perfect’ home, limitations can sometimes get in the way forcing compromise. Regardless, the process of home buying as described by various websites, for the most part covers […]

In New York Virtual Notarizations Lead To Virtual Closings in the Age of Coronavirus!

Critical Update March 24, 2020: While virtual closings including virtual notarizations are imminent in New York State, several critical issues still need to be resolved before the bottomline interests of all parties to a transaction are 100% confirmed! These issues include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: The acceptable and timely acquiring of […]

Closing A New York State Real Estate Transaction in the Age of Coronavirus!

Today, and rightfully so, parties to a New York real estate transaction are loath to sit in close proximity to each other regardless of the degree of social distancing being used! In certain instances they may also be unavailable for a sit-down as they are quarantining themselves voluntarily or, because they feel ill, have been […]

Buying a Property in New York? Remember You Have the RIGHT to Choose Your Title Insurance Provider!

Who is providing your title insurance in New York

Does it Matter Which Company Provides the Title Insurance for Your Real Estate Transaction? If you are a New Yorker buying a primary home, a second home or a commercial property, more often than not your attorney will choose the title insurance provider for your transaction. And truth-be-told, the first time you even hear about […]