Tag Archives: title insurance industry

The U.S. Title Insurance Industry: The Only Thing Uniform Is A Lack Of Uniformity!

uniformity photo

Related Articles: Buying Real Estate In New York State? Does The Title Insurance Underwriter Being Used Actually Matter? New York State Real Estate Attorneys And Mortgage Originators…Do You Have A VIABLE Title Insurance Plan B? New York Title Insurance: Always Compare Apples To Apples! Followers of the real estate industry around the United States, and the […]

No tips, please: Title closers say gratuities ban will cripple them – The Real Deal

New York State title closer compensation

This headline from an article at The Real Deal describes the situation that title closers, and by extension real estate attorney’s and title companies, in New York began facing as of yesterday, December 18, 2017! This is the day that the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) Regulation 208 officially went into effect […]

Title Insurance And Governor Cuomo’s Proposed Regulatory Changes: Our Thoughts!

GOVERNOR CUOMO ANNOUNCES NEW REGULATIONS TO CRACK DOWN ON KICKBACKS AND IMPROPER EXPENSES IN THE TITLE INSURANCE INDUSTRY A sensational headline to describe a plan put forth by New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo to reduce the cost of title insurance that’s paid for by consumers! Title insurance, for those who may be unfamiliar, ensures […]

Is your business adequately managing cybersecurity risk? (Survey)

For better or worse corporations, utilities and individuals alike now have an unbreakable link to technology and the internet! And that fact is not going to change in the future as instead we will likely become even more dependent on technology in our personal and business lives, not less. So are we as a nation […]