Category Archives: Cybersecurity

In The Real Estate Industry Cybersecurity Is No Longer An Option, It’s An Imperative!

For title insurance companies in New York State, the issue of maintaining a high level of information protection through cybersecurity protocols is nothing new! Back in 2016 the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS) proposed and then implemented strict regulations ‘which aimed to protect consumers and financial institutions from cyber-attacks by requiring banks, […]

Data Breach! New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) Drops The Hammer On First American Title Insurance Co.!

An excellent article appeared this week in the Eye on Privacy blog at the law firm Sheppard, Mullin, concerning an event in the title insurance industry that highlights a gross violation of the New York cybersecurity rules that became effective in March 2017!  The event occurred in 2018 when a data breach was announced by First American Title Insurance […]

New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) Cybersecurity Proposal Update

  Courtesy of the law firm Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson (AGMB), the following is an update of the September 2016 NYDFS cybersecurity regulations proposal! On September 22, 2016 AGMB issued an Alert about new cybersecurity regulations proposed by the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) which aimed to protect consumers and financial institutions from […]

Data Security 101 For Law Firms!

As a title insurance firm, data security and the protection of non-public information are both key components of our privacy pledge to clients and partners, much as it is for companies across the business spectrum! But with the prevalence and ever-increasing sophistication of the bad guys when it comes to trying to infiltrate the technology […]

Is your business adequately managing cybersecurity risk? (Survey)

For better or worse corporations, utilities and individuals alike now have an unbreakable link to technology and the internet! And that fact is not going to change in the future as instead we will likely become even more dependent on technology in our personal and business lives, not less. So are we as a nation […]