Tag Archives: real estate blogs

Real Estate Reading List: 48 Excellent Blogs!

For those of us who work or play in some segment of real estate whether buying, selling, rehabilitating, financing or flipping…. …remaining on top of issues, developments and trends in the marketplace is one of the critical pieces that helps to ensure our success. With that in mind this list of 48 real estate blogs […]

More than 100 topics for real estate bloggers!

title insurance, New York,New York City,Long Island,Michael Haltman

Follow @Hallmark Abstract Service The act of ‘blogging for your business’ is one that comes naturally for some while for others the mere thought may instill a feeling of intense fear and anxiety!  I know that from my experience speaking with business owners many feel that they should be blogging but have never quite gotten […]

Internet marketing for real estate and the law!

title insurance New York

As a small business with a website and a blog Hallmark Abstract Service lives by one of the oldest internet marketing truisms that says… The sad reality is that a firm can provide the best legal representation, offer the best message, possess the best website, have a stable of the most satisfied customers and write […]