Tag Archives: mortgage loans

Mortgage Shopping: Ten Questions You May Have For Your Mortgage Loan Officer!

Money tree for borrowers

  With the 10-year treasury crossing below .75% this morning, potential homebuyers and those on the fence about refinancing may hop off, and pursue a mortgage loan! In other words, with rates at current levels are banks and other lending institutions offering borrowers the opportunity to basically ‘pick money off of the proverbial money tree’? […]

Mortgage Expert Insights on Business Planning Strategies, Guest Author Ben Smidt

Mortgage broker business planning

Mortgage loan originators, much like those of us in many professions including title insurance, will start the new year with a predominantly clean slate in terms of new orders in the pipeline. Of course it is hopefully not 100% empty, as orders will come in through December that will hopefully be closing in 2020. But […]

69% Of Americans Have No Financial Cushion! (Survey)

American debt burden chart

In a survey conducted by GoBankingRates.com, nearly 7 out of 10 Americans answered that they have less than $1,000 in savings accounts! This sorry state of affairs is far worse than the result reported in 2015 when another GoBankingRates survey asked 5,000 adults the same question, and 62% said they had less than $1,000 accessible were […]

Banks, Crude Oil, Mark-To-Market, The Federal Reserve And Yes, Real Estate!

Why you may be asking yourself is this title insurance guy incessantly writing about non-real estate related issues?  The answer is of course that the economy, and the real estate sector specifically, are all impacted by what is happening to the global economy. And this includes the oil industry, bank loans to the oil industry, high yield debt from oil industry related corporations and […]

Will banks pull out of the mortgage market?

title insurance New York

(This article also appears at Global Economic Intersection here) And if they do will this present greater opportunities for the mortgage banks specializing in loan origination as some of their traditional competition suddenly fades away? The $100 billion question then is whether the proverbial mortgage origination sky is falling and if so whether it is […]