Tag Archives: job creation

Analysis Of The October Jobs Report: What Does It All Mean?

In other words, will the Fed raise rates? On its surface the October jobs report blew away expectations showing that the economy added 280,000 jobs when the ‘experts’ and analysts were expecting only a 180,000 job add! In addition the unemployment rate ticked down to 5% from 5.1%. These results would make even the most […]

Setting Global Monetary Policy: 21st Century Snake Oil Salesmen? (Bonus Video)

This slightly irreverent article title is meant to ask the question of whether those tasked with deciding economic policy, and US policy in particular, actually have a strong handle on the how and why it will work as drawn up on the blackboard? Additionally do they have any inkling concerning what any of the unintended […]

Are gray clouds hovering over the June employment report?

This morning the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the employment report for June and by all measures it appears to be that the numbers were great news! To further clarify that statement, however,it was a great report with the exception of one glaring mostly out-of-the-news statistic called the labor force participation rate. The labor force participation rate is the […]