Tag Archives: consumer confidence

Beware The Phrase That ‘Stocks Are On Sale’!

stock market photo

Once again stock market investors have borne witness to a significant selloff, occurring soon after equities reached record highs! So why, you may be asking yourself, is the owner of a title insurance company writing and opining about investing in any asset class other than real estate? Because, said owner needs to vent a little […]

Another Negative Century Milestone, 300, Pierced By The Baltic Dry Index (BDI)!

Before you ask yourself the question’ What is the Baltic Dry Index and why should I care if it drops?’, consider… Consider that the article titled ‘The Baltic Dry Index Falls To Historic Lows! One Question Though….‘ was written only ONE MONTH AGO when the BDI broke 400 for the first time ever (Note: The peak of […]

Banks, Crude Oil, Mark-To-Market, The Federal Reserve And Yes, Real Estate!

Why you may be asking yourself is this title insurance guy incessantly writing about non-real estate related issues?  The answer is of course that the economy, and the real estate sector specifically, are all impacted by what is happening to the global economy. And this includes the oil industry, bank loans to the oil industry, high yield debt from oil industry related corporations and […]

Hey Strategic Planner, What Are Your Projections For The 2016 U.S. Economy?

Summary: Whether real estate, mortgages, law or anything else…For large corporations, small businesses or sole proprietorships, now is the time to start making our best guesses, plans and projections for 2016. What will the state and condition of the U.S. economy be in 2016? For a business owner, department head in a company or the leader of […]

Study: Is Soaring Credit Card Debt A Good Sign, Bad Sign Or No Sign At All?

According to a study conducted by Card Hub, U.S. household debt in the form of credit cards has spiked higher in 2015! Is this spike in leverage a sign of consumer confidence with households taking on debt due to an optimistic vision of their personal financial fortunes going forward? Or is the 2015 2nd quarter credit card balance increase of […]

Should Americans Be On Economic Red Alert?

economy,money supply

Is an economic red alert called for? As the owner of a title insurance provider reliant on a healthy and vibrant U.S. economy leading to the same in the real estate market, I am always searching for clues to provide me with indicators both for today and moving forward into the future! I suppose that some […]

What are the implications of spiking global interest rates?

sovereign debt,interest rates,real estate

(Note: This article was also Featured at LinkedIn’s Pulse: Money and Banking) For many an article about central banks, bond yields and sovereign debt is merely an opportunity for the eyes to glaze over and a sound sleep to ensue! But consider, ‘…the yield on the benchmark 10-year German bund: it soared to as high as 0.95 […]

Is the Fed behind the proverbial interest rate eight ball?

Whatever industry you happen to be working in, a healthy and consistently growing US economy will likely be one of your most important keys to success! Certainly my business of providing the title insurance for buyers and refinancers of real estate depends heavily on a growing economy, consumer confidence, a vibrant transactional marketplace and available financing […]

Why does this title insurance guy keep writing about crude oil prices?

Why is it that a title insurance guy is beating the drum about the potential economic impact of plunging crude oil prices? You’re probably asking yourself ‘shouldn’t he be focusing on things that he knows about or that may affect his business?’ Well the truth is that the potential economic ramifications of crashing crude oil […]

Eye On The Economy: Week Of November 10th, 2014


The US Economic Calendar For The Week Of November 10, 2014 Assuming that the majority of Americans would like to keep an eye on their money, the US Economic Calendar for the week of November 10, 2014 is a great guide for anyone to have at their disposal! With economic and political uncertainty currently more of the […]