Tag Archives: global recession

What ‘Brexit’ May Mean For The U.S. Real Estate Market!


Now that the ‘Brexit’ vote is in the books and ‘Leave’ the EU side is the victor, what might this mean for U.S. real estate? Some facts we know… Global Stock Markets Are Swooning! The British Pound Is Getting Hammered Versus Other Global Currencies! Interest Rates Are Falling Precipitously!  The List Of 7 Potential Impacts From […]

Banks, Crude Oil, Mark-To-Market, The Federal Reserve And Yes, Real Estate!

Why you may be asking yourself is this title insurance guy incessantly writing about non-real estate related issues?  The answer is of course that the economy, and the real estate sector specifically, are all impacted by what is happening to the global economy. And this includes the oil industry, bank loans to the oil industry, high yield debt from oil industry related corporations and […]

10 potential global problems posed by the plunging price of crude oil!

In an article this morning, ‘Is there a downside to plunging oil prices?‘, we looked at the potential impact the price drop could have on derivatives, high yield debt and geopolitics! I have since read an article that expands my list of three issues to a discussion of ten areas of the economy that have […]