Tag Archives: central banks

The Credit Suisse Fear Barometer Hits A Record High!

VIX,fear index

Summary: With the VIX near its lows why are there two so very different sides to the same coin? For those unfamiliar with the Credit Suisse Fear Barometer it is another metric for gauging investor angst and expectation! Knowledge Is Power – Francis Bacon To the everyday stock market watcher the most commonly used metric for […]

Insurer Survivability: (More) Unintended Consequences Of ZIRP And NIRP!

ZIRP AND NIRP! For potential property buyers and current owners of property who are thinking of refinancing a mortgage, ZIRP has been, and NIRP may someday be, fantasticmonetary policies! ZIRP? NIRP? For those unfamiliar these acronyms are not the sounds an infant might make but instead are deadly serious policies that are being used by central bankers around the world in […]

Another Negative Century Milestone, 300, Pierced By The Baltic Dry Index (BDI)!

Before you ask yourself the question’ What is the Baltic Dry Index and why should I care if it drops?’, consider… Consider that the article titled ‘The Baltic Dry Index Falls To Historic Lows! One Question Though….‘ was written only ONE MONTH AGO when the BDI broke 400 for the first time ever (Note: The peak of […]

A Stock Market Bear ROARS!

There is certainly never a shortage of opinions when it comes investing whether it’s in stocks, real estate or anything else! In fact I offered my thoughts on the subject of expert analysis in the article ‘Historic Look At Following The Herd Or Worse, The ‘Experts’, When Investing!‘ which examines events from recent history where analyst […]

Bond Market Illiquidity: There’s A Very Small Door!

Imagine a concert venue with general admission seating, a famous band, and one small door to get inside. The result would likely be catastrophic! Is a similar scenario brewing only this time in the financial markets, bonds in particular? For the fund managers and other institutional investors who hold trillions of dollars of fixed income […]

What are the implications of spiking global interest rates?

sovereign debt,interest rates,real estate

(Note: This article was also Featured at LinkedIn’s Pulse: Money and Banking) For many an article about central banks, bond yields and sovereign debt is merely an opportunity for the eyes to glaze over and a sound sleep to ensue! But consider, ‘…the yield on the benchmark 10-year German bund: it soared to as high as 0.95 […]

In business? Here’s a map of global uncertainty you need to see!

title insurance, New York,New York City,Long Island,Michael Haltman

Follow @Hallmark Abstract Service As if running a business, regardless of the industry or the product that you are selling, wasn’t difficult enough! Throw-in the uncertainty around the world occurring in many regions and that’s taking many forms from economic uncertainty to military intervention, and you have a tough task made even tougher. There are […]

Bitcoin and real estate transactions! (Video)

Bitcoin price chart

Very few real estate transactions are currently funded through Bitcoin and a limited number of firms currently honor it as currency, but… As Bitcoin continues to gain the confidence of the marketplace as a viable and reliable form of money,  it seems destined to move closer to the mainstream of business! But first and potentially […]