Tag Archives: economic activity

Another Negative Century Milestone, 300, Pierced By The Baltic Dry Index (BDI)!

Before you ask yourself the question’ What is the Baltic Dry Index and why should I care if it drops?’, consider… Consider that the article titled ‘The Baltic Dry Index Falls To Historic Lows! One Question Though….‘ was written only ONE MONTH AGO when the BDI broke 400 for the first time ever (Note: The peak of […]

Where In The U.S. Is The Housing Recovery Still On Track? (Interactive Map)

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Courtesy of BuzzBuzzHome.com, the interactive map in this article shows those areas of the country where the housing recovery remains intact and those areas where it may be struggling! The paragraphs below will help the reader decipher what the statistics mean when they are hovering over an area of the country that they are interested […]

Critical US economic data to be released the week of June 16, 2014!

title insurance New York,New York City,Long Island

US Economic Calendar for the Week of June 16, 2014 The calendar in this article provides important information to anyone who’s concerned with the future direction of mortgage rates while, at the same time, is trying to determine the current condition as well as the future direction of the overall US economy. This data scheduled for release during the upcoming […]