Tag Archives: stock analysts

Oil Industry Exposure: Are Bank Stocks Telling A Story That Investors Should Be Listening To?

Often investors need to look for non-verbal clues concerning the actual direction the economy is heading in! But, for those who watch or read business news sources, you will typically find that every selloff is presented as a buying opportunity that will be coupled with the phrase ‘if you liked ____ stock at $___, you should […]

A Stock Market Bear ROARS!

There is certainly never a shortage of opinions when it comes investing whether it’s in stocks, real estate or anything else! In fact I offered my thoughts on the subject of expert analysis in the article ‘Historic Look At Following The Herd Or Worse, The ‘Experts’, When Investing!‘ which examines events from recent history where analyst […]

Carnac The Magnificent (14 of Them) Predict The 2016 Stock Market!

Will These Denizens Of The Investing Arena Prove To Be Right Or Wrong At The End Of 2016? In an interesting follow-up to an article yesterday that described some of the risks inherent from following the herd, or Wall Street pros (‘Historic Look At Following The Herd Or Worse, The ‘Experts’, When Investing!‘), today we offer […]