9 Article Links To Scandal, Real Estate Statistics, Jobs, EU Break-Up And More!
News, Economic Information And Just Plain Interesting Stuff That You May Have Missed!
When you crack open the newspaper on the train or bus heading to work or perhaps navigate over to you favorite website that disseminates current events, you will be reading the same stories as everyone else!
But what some may not realize is that there is an entire internet realm dedicated to free thinkers and very smart people who offer advice, opinion and prognostication.
These are links to articles from some of them along with one or two more traditional sources.
The Irish Times: Irish firms pile into ECB’s buy-up of corporate bonds
Wolf Street: It Starts: Apartment Glut in San Francisco & New York City
New York Post: Inside the scandals of 740 Park, the world’s richest building
Business Insider: INSIDE GOLDMAN SACHS: This is what a day in the life of a technology analyst is like
Mish Talk: ‘Yet Another Brexit Poll Says “Leave”; Number Cruncher Politics – Where the Hell Are You?’
Above The Law: Nationwide Layoff Watch: Left Longing For A Paycheck After A Long Weekend
The Real Deal: 11 charts that show how American houses have changed since the 1970s
Seeking Alpha: Non-Farm Payroll Numbers Only Add More Fuel To An Already Very Powerful Burning Fire – Part I
Dr. Housing Bubble: Commercial real estate boom: Commercial real estate values up nearly 100 percent since 2010. Is this a bubble?
Michael Haltman is President of Hallmark Abstract Service in New York. He can be reached at mhaltman@hallmarkabstractllc.com