Tag Archives: fiscal responsibility

69% Of Americans Have No Financial Cushion! (Survey)

American debt burden chart

In a survey conducted by GoBankingRates.com, nearly 7 out of 10 Americans answered that they have less than $1,000 in savings accounts! This sorry state of affairs is far worse than the result reported in 2015 when another GoBankingRates survey asked 5,000 adults the same question, and 62% said they had less than $1,000 accessible were […]

Government and Fiscal Irresponsibility

Town of Oyster Bay bond rating

Summary: Note to government: Eventually you runout of other peoples money to spend and when the piper needs to be paid the pockets will be empty! And the burden on business and investors of all types to make-up the deficit can quickly become unsustainable! ‘Long Island’s Town Of Oyster Bay An Example Of What Happens When […]

Puerto Rico And Politics! (Video)

Puerto Rico default

Yesterday, May 2, the Puerto Rico Government Development Bank defaulted on approximately $422 million in debt payments! Long in fiscal disarray, this missed payment by Puerto Rico was merely the opening salvo in the Island’s debt crisis as over the summer approximately $2 billion more is going to be coming due. Consider for a moment why […]