Category Archives: Covid-19

Do you ever wonder…The State of the NYC Commercial Real Estate Market!

May 4th on LinkedIn Live from 6-6:30PM join host Mike Haltman, CEO of Hallmark Abstract Service, for a discussion with special guest Rob Kuppersmith about… The State of the New York City Commercial Real Estate Market Now and Into the Future! Register on LinkedIn here: Rob Kuppersmith is a Managing Director with Cushman & Wakefield. […]

Oy Vey! Is VUI-202012/01 On Its Way From The U.K. To America?

Are Virtual Real Estate Closings (and empty closing tables) in New York On Their Way Back? Summary: New York hopefully never gets there (shutdown) due to the new coronavirus strain in the U.K., but if we do Hallmark Abstract Service is ready! The new even more contagious coronavirus variant may/could result in new shutdowns across New […]

A Pox On Both Of Their Houses – Mercutio! (Opinion)

I am not a politician, but instead the owner of a title insurance company in New York who deeply believes in each and every one of the terms in the photo above! As a business owner I have a responsibility to my family, my employees, my vendors, my clients and myself, to do as much as I […]

Legal Tools Available To A Commercial Tenant Attempting To Negotiate Rent Relief!

Few who walk the mostly vacant streets of New York City fail to notice! Passing empty retail stores as they go with For Rent signs in the window, and office buildings devoid of occupants who are working from home, they can quickly understand the deep and destructive impact Covid-19 has had on the NYC economy […]