Tag Archives: personality traits

Mistakes, I’ve Made A Few…

And regrets? Well I’ve had a few of those as well! In reality we all have because mistakes and regrets are both an integral part of the decision-making process that all humans go through. These decisions can be made either through omission or through commission but, needless to say, whichever method has been used they […]

Does A Great Leader Also Need To Be A Great Follower?

We all know THOSE people who just seem to naturally be great and charismatic leaders! But among those very attributes that make those leaders great, would the term ‘follower’ be counted among them? According to an article at The Manager’s Diary, indeed it would…’there are some key aspects of followership that relate directly to high performing leadership.’ Attributes […]

Body Language Don’ts!

Hallmark Abstract Service

Whether in business or your personal life, there are many non-verbal cues that can tell the people you want to meet quite a bit about you before you even open your mouth! When walking into a room filled with possible prospects, contacts and people who you may not know, our basic instinct may be to […]

What mentally strong people tend not to do!

mental toughness

Great Life Lesson About Mental Strength by Amy Morin Mentally strong people tend not to do the following thirteen things! For those of us who own our own businesses or who are working their way up the corporate ladder, there are some lessons to be learned here! 1.    Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves. You […]