Tag Archives: business etiquette

Are You A Networking Star Or Leech?

Summary: For most of us networking is a key to business development and, as in all endeavors, there are right ways and wrong ways to go about it! In our networking travels we have likely all met individuals who may fall into the category of those who ask much more than provide, take much more often […]

Tom Brady, Caitlyn Jenner Or Iran!

When employees are hanging around the proverbial water cooler this morning, what topics do you think that they are they most likely going to be discussing? Of course if they are following standard business protocol they will not be discussing religion or politics. But, as dedicated employees, perhaps they will be debating the best way for […]

A list of business networking DON’TS!

For anyone who spends time networking for their business, there is a right way to do things and a wrong way! Assuming that most of those reading this article either network the right way or want to network the right way, here is a Slideshare that details some of the things not to do when you enter […]

Violating one of the cardinal rules of business!

Article originally appeared at LinkedIn here. In this case the cardinal rule in question states that expressing an opinion about politics or world events can be bad for your business! So why, if I know it is a violation of the rules, am I about to do it? The answer is that at times, times […]