Tag Archives: law firm marketing

Law Firm (or any business) Podcasting…Tips For Getting Started!

Why Do Law Firms and Real Estate-related Companies Become Podcasters? There are many critical and important reasons for the effort, although for some just hearing the phrase ‘we’re going to start a podcast’ can create a high degree of anxiety! Why is that? Because being on stage and the center of attention can, for many, be a […]

The Hallmark Abstract Service Edge…

Real estate businesses and law firms need to take the steps that are available now, in order to escape the coronavirus penalty box early! Pandemic has ravaged the world, and many businesses have become mired in a struggle for simple survival! For others survival isn’t the question, but their businesses have and remain in a […]

Marketing And The Law

business marketing photo

When we think about marketing for our business, whether title insurance, a law firm or anything else, often the first instinct is to focus on what it is we bring to the table!  Instead what if marketing was developed to be client-centric, and addressed how our firm will help solve customers specific ‘pain points’? In […]

Five Tips For Successfully Developing New Business Relationships (Video)

business relationship building

By any chance are you responsible for developing new relationships that will hopefully, at some point in the future, grow into a new source of business for your firm?  Most likely, even if you don’t actually think that you are, you are! Because in business, as is so eloquently stated in the FedEx Ground commercial below, […]

Legal, Real Estate And Economic Links Of Interest!

law,real estate and economic articles of interest

With so much to read and with so little time for many of us to get beyond the major news headlines, these are links to articles providing information that our readers may find to be interesting and helpful! If anyone has additional areas of interest that they may also like to see articles about, please […]

Lawyers Top 10 Misconceptions About Social Media!

Most businesspeople know all about the potential reach of social media for business development! But given that fact there also remains some hesitation by some to actually implement a social media platform. Many factors may come into play for this but, the larger question that needs to be asked is whether by neglecting social media these […]

How an attorney can maximize business using LinkedIn!

I am not an attorney nor do I play one on TV, but I do speak with and network with quite a few as attorney’s are a great source of business for my firm! One of the things that I have noticed is that there are generally two types of lawyers out there (not including […]

What do law clients want in a lawyer?

A lawyers general reputation along with online reviews written by prior or current clients can be key to new business acquisition and referrals! But what are some of the things that a prospective client is going to look for in a lawyer’s review? In an article at Software Advice the nature of the information that […]

Six business development tips for new lawyers!

2014 New York Law Journal Reader Rankings Hallmark Abstract Service was nominated 2014 Best Title Agency! If you would like to cast a vote the link to the ballot is https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2014ReaderRankings. Once there, if you would like to only vote in this category, scroll through to Page 10 and the category Best Title Agency is towards […]

A Look At The Best Law Firm Websites!

title insurance New York

If you are an attorney it’s likely that your firm has a website but, if you don’t, it is definitely something that you should strongly consider developing! Large firms will typically have a well-crafted website that provides the curious visitor or prospective client an in-depth look into what they do, the attorney’s who do it […]