Tag Archives: attorney marketing

Marketing And The Law

business marketing photo

When we think about marketing for our business, whether title insurance, a law firm or anything else, often the first instinct is to focus on what it is we bring to the table!  Instead what if marketing was developed to be client-centric, and addressed how our firm will help solve customers specific ‘pain points’? In […]

How Do Small Law Firms And Solo Practitioners Generate Referral Business?

law firm marketing,smalllaw

For business, particularly small business, earning referrals is typically a key component of a new business development strategy! And in SmallLaw comprised of solo law practitioners and small law firms, this fact of business life is certainly no exception! So for those who are working or possibly considering working in the SmallLaw arena, an article […]

Guest Post: Attorney Advertising: What’s the Difference between Educating the Public and Advertising?

Most attorneys, especially those at smaller firms, rely on referrals, networking and advertising to attract new clients. For this article we’ll address the difference between educating the public and advertising. Attorneys can educate the public concerning legal issues with materials that are not considered ads. Advertising is any type of communication about an attorney or […]

How an attorney can maximize business using LinkedIn!

I am not an attorney nor do I play one on TV, but I do speak with and network with quite a few as attorney’s are a great source of business for my firm! One of the things that I have noticed is that there are generally two types of lawyers out there (not including […]

Does a lawyer need an online presence?

The Short Answer: Absolutely! Of course nobody NEEDS anything but, because we are all in business to maximize our potential client base, everyone should have an online presence! As the owner of a title company I will often use the internet as a tool to vet a potential contact or client in order to see […]

What do law clients want in a lawyer?

A lawyers general reputation along with online reviews written by prior or current clients can be key to new business acquisition and referrals! But what are some of the things that a prospective client is going to look for in a lawyer’s review? In an article at Software Advice the nature of the information that […]

Six business development tips for new lawyers!

2014 New York Law Journal Reader Rankings Hallmark Abstract Service was nominated 2014 Best Title Agency! If you would like to cast a vote the link to the ballot is https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2014ReaderRankings. Once there, if you would like to only vote in this category, scroll through to Page 10 and the category Best Title Agency is towards […]

Internet marketing for real estate and the law!

title insurance New York

As a small business with a website and a blog Hallmark Abstract Service lives by one of the oldest internet marketing truisms that says… The sad reality is that a firm can provide the best legal representation, offer the best message, possess the best website, have a stable of the most satisfied customers and write […]

A guide to perfecting networking techniques!


As part of our continuing effort at Hallmark Abstract Service to provide our clients and friends with what we believe to be useful information, this article examines ways to master effective networking. It’s been discussed here before that, no matter what business we happen to be in, we’re constantly networking in order to grow. But, […]

Ever hear of the Weber-Fechner Law

Weber-Fechner Law

If you made it to this point after a title like that one, the Weber-Fechner Law is actually a very interesting concept that can be applied to any business!  The Weber-Fechner Law looks at the relationship between some physical stimulus and the impact that stimulus has on the receiver. For example: There are two bags […]