Tag Archives: title insurance New York

Opinion: Title insurance is vital to protecting the American dream

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This article that appears in HousingWire, written by Westcor Land Title Insurance Company President and CEO Mary O’Donnell, explores the critical importance of title insurance to protect what may likely be the homebuyers greatest financial commitment of their life to-date! ‘Opinion: Title insurance is vital to protecting the American dream‘ As someone who spent a […]

The Return of New York City…

‘NYC subways hit another pandemic ridership high as reopening continues’ ‘…The MTA announced on Friday that more than 2.3 million people rode the subway last Friday, May 21 — another new pandemic record that also represented a week-over-week ridership growth of about 100,000 riders…’ Read the rest of the story at AMNewYork here, https://www.amny.com/new-york/nyc-subways-hit-another-pandemic-ridership-high-may-24-2021/ ______________________________________________ But […]

Law Firm (or any business) Podcasting…Tips For Getting Started!

Why Do Law Firms and Real Estate-related Companies Become Podcasters? There are many critical and important reasons for the effort, although for some just hearing the phrase ‘we’re going to start a podcast’ can create a high degree of anxiety! Why is that? Because being on stage and the center of attention can, for many, be a […]

The Hallmark Abstract Service Newsletter, January 28, 2021

In this issue of the Hallmark Abstract Service Newsletter, the firm’s CEO Michael Haltman is interviewed by the CEO of Casandra Properties on the Casandra Properties podcast! In a fast-moving discussion the topics move from real estate in New York, the title insurance a buyer needs to obtain, charity events of different types and the combat […]

Imagine Excluding Current Mortgage Debt Service From The DTI Calculation For A New Mortgage!

DTI Calculation Excluding Current Mortgage Payments! Back in 2019 we highlighted a fantastic national mortgage program being offered by a major money-center institution, Citicorp, that actually excludes current mortgage payments from the debt-to-income (DTI) calculation for a homebuyer who is actively looking for a new home and will be selling the current one! Given the current […]

United Van Lines Study – Why are so many people moving out of New York State?

United Van Lines releases its annual study documenting where, why and in what numbers Americans are moving! One overriding reason for moving in 2020 of course had to do with Covid-19, as concerns over big city density drove many to find less-dense locales in which to live. But, for a state like New York, cost of […]

The Proposed New York City Pied-A-Terre Tax (Q&A)

Hallmark Abstract NY title insurance

Hallmark Abstract Service received the excellent question below that’s based on a proposed New York City pied-a-terre tax we discussed in the article, ‘Oracle Chooses Tax Sanity And Is Leaving California…Is New York Paying Attention?‘: It’s an excellent question because the details of the tax and impact on homeowners in New York City at this […]

What You Should and Shouldn’t Do When Buying Your First Investment Property

What You Should and Shouldn’t Do When Buying Your First Investment Property  Real estate can make for a sound investment. If you are interested in buying a rental property, whether it’s for short-term or long-term tenants, this is a decision you need to really think through. Making a mistake could end up costing you in […]

There’s a Best of Breed in Most Everything! Even New York Title Insurance!

For a great many years Hallmark Abstract Service has been nominated ‘by the people’ as Best Title Insurance Company, in the annual Bethpage Federal Credit Union Best of Long Island. Thankfully, this year is no different as the voting has opened and Hallmark Abstract Service is once again on the ballot. Why are people happy […]

Buying A $10MM Home In New York? Don’t Read This!

Just kidding, because ALL homebuyers in New York should be aware of some very important factors when it comes to the title insurance that they will purchasing for their new home! Number 1 is that title insurance is not a commodity product and, in fact, significant differences do exist between providers. Number 2 is that you have […]