Tag Archives: branding

Pokemon Go, Marketing And Real Estate (Video)

With large numbers of people now all-consumed players of the game Pokemon Go, is there a niche within the marketing plans of real estate related companies where an attempt can be made to try and capitalize from the craze? Perhaps but, first and foremost, if you’re anything like me you might be asking yourself what exactly Pokemon Go is? This video provides […]

How Do YOU Differentiate Your Company From The Competition? Five Great Tips!

Long Island title insurance

Differentiation, standing out from the crowd, setting yourself apart, USP or unique selling proposition! These terms identify the goal for any company large or small which is to show the buying public why its product is superior to what seems to be a similar product being offered by the competition. In some instances this differentiation is […]

Should A Title Insurance Provider Bother With Branding?

New York title insurance

In title insurance, a business where client acquisition is typically based on relationships and referrals and not on impulse buying or online shopping, is any expense incurred trying to ‘brand’ a firm actually worth it? At Hallmark Abstract Service we think that it is! This is because it’s our desire to try and differentiate and highlight the […]

Great Commercials Versus Great Advertising (Videos)


Regardless of the product that you sell or the sector of the economy you participate in, getting your name ‘out there’ is critical! Marketing and advertising can take many forms and, depending on the product or service you offer, the challenge can be not only to make people remember your name but to remember what […]

A Real Estate Blog: Is Writing One Worth The Effort?

As a big believer in the value of blogging I would say that the answer to the question in the article title is an emphatic yes! You will read about some of the reasons for why that statement is true in the article below that was written by Joshua Lyons at SVN-Southland Commercial. But first, let’s […]

Are Clients In Love With Your Brand?

What does it take to ensure that clients love your company? If you’re Apple the answer is obvious but, if you’re a local provider of another perhaps less glamorous product, will the answer be different? Or, is the methodology for keeping your business in the hearts of the consumer exactly the same, with the only difference being […]

What Do You Do When World News Collides With Your Business?

branding,business,crisis management

When entrepreneurs are going to open a business much thought will typically go into the name of the establishment, service or product! After all, what a business is called is going to be the brand name by which it is known locally or perhaps even globally. The same holds true for an established brand that […]

Corporate Branding: 40 Logos containing a hidden message! (Infographic)

title insurance new york

We have all seen the logos in this infographic over the years, but may not have known that each contains a hidden message meant for the consumer! As an aside, you will unfortunately not see the Hallmark Abstract Service logo in the infographic as it is hard to imagine the hidden or subliminal message that […]

Promoting and branding our businesses!

In one way or another anyone in business does some form of promotion! Large corporations such as Coca-Cola may use nationally-run television commercials as a tool while a local mom and pop business may simply be a member of its town Chamber of Commerce where they hand out business cards and flyers. In between those […]

CARTing isn’t what you think it is!

If you live in NYC and hear the term ‘carting’ a few things will likely come to mind… but certainly one in particular! For New Yorkers the term carting typically means the collection of stuff by a big truck. It also brings to mind a somewhat sordid history as described by the FBI website: ‘Since 1957, when […]