Tag Archives: client retention

Management Tips: Exactly How Strong Of A Manager Are You?

tips for managing employees

Whether you start a business or are promoted to a position in a company where other employees are reporting to you then, overnight, you have become a manager! When I started the title insurance firm Hallmark Abstract Service, I have to admit that my prior experience managing others had for the most part been limited to raising three […]

Hallmark Abstract Service Develops New Business Relationships The Old Fashioned Way…We Earn Them!

There are a variety of ways to earn the trust and ultimately the business of your prospects! At Hallmark Abstract Service we know only one…To Earn It! For those of you who are too young to remember a 1979 commercial from the brokerage firm, Smith Barney, the short video below is a reminder of the famous tagline that […]

Marketing 102!

You open a company and naturally you do a great job at whatever product or service it is that you provide! Therefore job number one is to not keep the fact that your company exists a secret. As discussed in an article here yesterday (Ever Consider Spending $5MM For A Thirty Second Television Ad?) that task sometimes […]

Are Clients In Love With Your Brand?

What does it take to ensure that clients love your company? If you’re Apple the answer is obvious but, if you’re a local provider of another perhaps less glamorous product, will the answer be different? Or, is the methodology for keeping your business in the hearts of the consumer exactly the same, with the only difference being […]

Are your employees adequately trained? (Guest Author)

title insurance New York

Customer Service! For those of us in highly competitive businesses one of the phrases that we may use to differentiate ourselves is that we ‘provide superior customer service’ to our clients and prospects! We say this assuming two things! Number one we appear to be implying to potential clients and even our existing ones that […]