Tag Archives: customer service

Putting Your Small Business on the Map…Literally

I was recently in a meeting where Barry Rosenblum, the owner of the Intelligent Office located in RXR Plaza, Uniondale, Long Island, was the guest speaker. He spoke about the trials and tribulations facing small businesses in today’s real estate and employment market environments. The predicament of competing with larger companies that may possess both […]

Why Choose One Title Insurance Provider Over Another?

title insurance costs

In the seminars and CLEs that Hallmark Abstract Service participates in, a question that will often get asked is why would one choose your firm over another title insurance provider? Fair question as on the surface title insurance appears to be a commodity product and those who provide it nothing but commodity businesses. But if one were to scratch […]

How Can We Better Serve You?

For Hallmark Abstract Service there is nothing more important than the complete satisfaction of our clients and the total protection that our title insurance services provides to them. In a commercial or residential real estate transaction that may represent one of largest, if not the largest, investment that an individual, family or business entity will […]

In The World Of Title Insurance, What Differentiates One Firm From Another Firm? (Video)

title insurance long island,title insurance new york

For anyone earning their living selling or manufacturing a quasi-commodity product, you know exactly what I’m talking about! Please notice, however, that the prefix quasi was strategically placed in front of the word commodity. The reality is that while end products may be somewhat similar from any number of providers, all of those end products are not necessarily created […]

Are Clients In Love With Your Brand?

What does it take to ensure that clients love your company? If you’re Apple the answer is obvious but, if you’re a local provider of another perhaps less glamorous product, will the answer be different? Or, is the methodology for keeping your business in the hearts of the consumer exactly the same, with the only difference being […]

How does your business handle a dissatisfied customer?

Hallmark Abstract Service title insurance New York

One of the great benefits for a business that never makes mistakes is that there will generally be few complaints from clients! But just how realistic is that? In business as in sports there are times that we are living in the sweet-spot of performance and execution. Most of us have had  those days when […]