Tag Archives: China economy

The Baltic Dry Index Falls To Historic Lows! One Question Though….

Baltic Dry Index

Summary: The Baltic Dry Index plunges below 400 for the first time ever! You’re probably asking yourself about now why would anyone care about the Baltic Dry Index? The reason? Anyone who formulates a strategic plan for their business needs to consider the anecdotal evidence concerning the current strength and potential future direction of the […]

China: What Impact If Any On The 2016 U.S. CRE Market?

China,commercial real estate

The chart below should tell you much of what you need to know about the likely condition of the ‘wealth effect’ in China!   Will any potential change in this so-called wealth effect cause investors in China (or anywhere else around the world) to pullback on commercial real estate investment in the United States? Wealth Effect: The […]

Historic Look At Following The Herd Or Worse, The ‘Experts’, When Investing!

Yahoo historic stock price

Whether it’s stocks, bonds, real estate or politics, who do you take your decision-making cues from! Is your decision-making based on what everyone around you is doing or worse, from what the so-called ‘experts’ are telling you to do? This type of strategy can often be a mistake because the truth is that both individuals […]

Monday Morning Links: Why Are Stock Futures Down Over 300 Points*? (January 4, 2016)

As we head into 2016 the economic news out of China leaves something to be desired! And if China sneezes, does the rest of the world catch a cold? ‘Asian markets tumbled Monday on the first day of trading in 2016, with declines so steep in mainland China that authorities halted trading there for the […]

Bond Yields, The Economy And Real Estate: Are They Sustainable At Their Current Levels?

sovereign debt

Last week Fed Chair Janet Yellen decided, in the face of non-crisis level U.S. economic statistics, to leave interest rates unchanged at the economic crisis level of 0%! Her rationale was believable for some and hard to understand for others but, for anyone who listened and for those who didn’t, she mentioned non-U.S. economic factors […]

Why Is China Scaring The World? (90 -Second Video)

After an 8.5% drop in the Shanghai Composite Index stock markets around the world recoiled in sympathy! But why, you may be asking, is the world so afraid of the goings on in China? Because while the communist nation has a quasi-capitalist economy, there’s a great deal of difference between here and there when you […]

Global Financial Articles You Need To Read As Dow Futures Fall 600 Points!

Using a term that older readers will remember, ‘Black Monday’, these articles from around the world will bring you up to speed concerning today’s global financial angst! As Dow futures fall 600+ points, this article provides a collection of links from respected financial sources (plus one written by me) containing information you should be aware of regardless of […]

Global Financial Week In Review From 7 Media Sources! (Articles)

In an interconnected world, after China’s economy has apparently sneezed the global financial markets have gotten sick as a result! Following what can only be termed a tumultuous week in the financial markets across the globe, these articles from nine media sources tell the story with 0f them some prognosticating the future. Bloomberg:    Stocks Fall Most […]

Panic Settles Over Investors! What Should They Do Now?

Back on April 17, 2015 I wrote an article here titled ‘What a stock market top might look like!‘ And while hindsight is 20-20 and the stock market is currently suffering through some difficult days, at the time of the above mentioned article the chart of the S&P appeared (at least to me) to be […]

China Devalues Its Currency!

The noise you may be hearing is the sound of the world’s #2 economy, China, pulling out all of the stops to reignite growth! Regardless of the industry a growing China economy is one of the catalysts to businesses around the world enjoying prosperity. And, as we have witnessed over the past months, that growth seems […]