Tag Archives: religion

Thanksgiving Dinner Topics To Avoid!

Photo: Getty Images

In four short days families all over the United States will be gathering to give thanks over a delicious meal that will typically include turkey and all of the trimmings! But while this day of togetherness celebrates the joy of family and friends, this year in particular the conversation taking place around the dinner table will […]

Study: Over 50% Of Jewish College Students Reported Anti-Semitism On Campus!

While not a ‘business’ story in the purest sense of the word, Jewish businessmen and women who are paying the high price of a college education for their children may be surprised by the findings in this study! While the purpose of the articles posted here is to try and provide some business information that […]

Christmas and Thanksgiving have been co-opted by commerce!

Some stores around the United States are opening on Thanksgiving in order to try and squeeze every last sale out of the Christmas selling season! For anyone who is paying attention to newspaper, television and radio ads, the title of this article will not come as any great surprise. It seems that an emphasis on […]

Rules of business: T’d up again!

Last week’s article, ‘Violating one of the cardinal rules of business!‘, discussed how in business there are certain topics that are basically supposed to be off-limits and how sometimes that rule needs to be ignored! These topics to be avoided typically include religion, world events and politics but, in that article, this basic tenet  was […]

Using St. Joseph to sell your home!

title insurance New York,New York City,Long Island

If you have ever looked to a ‘higher power’ for help in accomplishing some task and you are now having a difficult time selling your home, St. Joseph may be able to help!  The question is whether doing what is suggested below will guarantee a successful sale of a property? Some believe that it absolutely will […]