Tag Archives: society

Christmas and Thanksgiving have been co-opted by commerce!

Some stores around the United States are opening on Thanksgiving in order to try and squeeze every last sale out of the Christmas selling season! For anyone who is paying attention to newspaper, television and radio ads, the title of this article will not come as any great surprise. It seems that an emphasis on […]

Innovation leads to wealth creation and economic growth! (Video)

Throughout history there are certain constants that have driven the creation of wealth and economic growth in a given society! As this video will explain, it’s the accumulation of knowledge that is the key factor moving a civilization from one era to the next. As an example, can you name the major differences between the lifestyle and […]

12 Economic Tips for New College Graduates (and everyone else)!

title insurance, New York,New York City,Long Island,Michael Haltman

Follow @Hallmark Abstract Service Spring has arrived which means that days are getting longer, temperatures are rising, baseball is being played, clothes are getting skimpier, potholes are more obvious and kids are getting ready to graduate from college! And with this graduation comes the eager anticipation of leaving academia for the real world of jobs, […]