Tag Archives: title insurance and real estate

The Spring Real Estate Selling Season Will Be Good, Bad or Indifferent? (Economic Statistics)

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Are some economic statistics suggesting that the United States may be on the edge of a fiscal cliff? And if that’s the case, what impact would stepping-off of the said cliff have the real estate market? Spoiler alert, as this is actually somewhat of a rhetorical question. By asking anyone old enough to notice in 2007-2010, you will […]

Homebuying Tips And Overcoming Stress!

homebuying psychology

Or, at the very least, trying to minimize the stress as much as possible! For anyone who has bought or sold a home, attempted to buy or sell a home or maybe just thought about doing one or the other or both, in many ways the process can be overwhelming on both an emotional as […]

Some Caveats If You’re Thinking About Buying A Multi-Family Property!

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Income producing multi-family property has a certain allure for investors looking to diversify their portfolio into real estate! And why not, as on the 1st of each and every month the owner will receive cash flow from the building’s residents who will seek them out to hand over their rent check! One would hope! This type […]