Tag Archives: New York title insurance industry

For Commercial And Residential Real Estate Attorney’s In New York State, December 18 New Rules Concerning Title Closer Compensation Go Into Effect!

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Beginning December 18, 2017, New York State Department of Financial Services Regulation 208 will prohibit the tipping of title insurance closers by anyone! Some reading this might say, ‘No big deal’ because real estate deals will still come and go. But, in essence, it is potentially a very big deal because GOOD title insurance closers, […]

Taxi Medallions As A Proxy For The Way Technology Can Disrupt Whole Industries

taxi medallion prices plunge

An April 2015 headline here told the story of the onslaught that faced the traditional taxi industry from technology-driven competitors like Uber and Lyft… ‘Because Of Uber, Are Taxi Medallion Lenders A Shorting Opportunity?‘ ‘In other words is the competition from Uber decreasing the demand for taxi medallions causing the price of the medallions to drop […]