Tag Archives: NYS Department of Financial Services

For Commercial And Residential Real Estate Attorney’s In New York State, December 18 New Rules Concerning Title Closer Compensation Go Into Effect!

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Beginning December 18, 2017, New York State Department of Financial Services Regulation 208 will prohibit the tipping of title insurance closers by anyone! Some reading this might say, ‘No big deal’ because real estate deals will still come and go. But, in essence, it is potentially a very big deal because GOOD title insurance closers, […]

New York Title Insurance Industry Prohibition Of Inducements Provided In Return For Business Delayed From December 18th to February 1, 2018

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Breaking News December 19, 2017: The NYSDFS today issued a statement delaying the implementation of certain aspects of Regulation 208, namely the prohibition on inducements being given in return for business. We’re not sure what a one month delay will do for firms in terms of compliance, but here is the statement… DFS Statement Regarding […]

2014 Title Insurance Industry Year In Review…Agent Licensing and ALTA’s Seven Pillars

title insurance licensing in new york state

2014 was a year that witnessed significant changes in the way that title insurance agents in New York State would be monitored and, for the first time, licensed by the NYS Department of Financial Services (DFS)! It also was a year in which title insurance agents needed to prove that they were in compliance with the Seven Pillars of Best Practices established by the American […]

Title Insurance Agent Licensing

Hallmark Abstract Service is pleased to announce that the firm has successfully completed the application process and has been awarded a license by the New York State Department of Financial Services for Title Insurance Agent Operations. Licensing for title insurance agents is a new requirement instituted by New York State pursuant to New York Insurance Law Section 2139. […]