Tag Archives: continuing education

A Gameshow Analogy For Title Insurance!

Gameshow Preparation Techniques The following is a great and timely gameshow analogy for our business lives, personal lives and for life in general! Current Jeopardy champion Amy Schneider, with over $1MM in winnings spanning a 28-game victory streak, said this in a New York Times interview… “To be good at ‘Jeopardy!’ you just have to live […]

2017 Law Career Advice

Photo: LawSchools.com

The career path for lawyers can, as it is in any other profession, be fraught with minefields, frustrations and compromises. Managing the process takes planning along with a variety of other skills and instincts. And then, even if handled perfectly, there is still no inherent guarantee of success. From an excellent blog named The Lawyer Whisperer, […]

The Top 25 Business Schools Offering The Highest Quality Of Education!

title insurance,NYC,Long Island

Back in the 1980’s when I went back to school for an MBA, the amount of available information about specific institutions was typically limited to whatever you could find in the Barron’s Guide at the local bookstore! Of course with the advent of the internet, for today’s prospective students the universe of information about specific […]