New York Title Insurance: A Homebuyer Obsession!
Are you buying a home in New York and obsessed with the title insurance you will be buying?
Good for you, recognizing just how critical title insurance is.
The 12 Distinct Ways That Hallmark Abstract Service Differentiates Itself From A Great Many Of Its Competitors!
For more information about the distinct areas of title insurance you should be aware of, watch any or all of the thirteen 1-2-minute TikTok videos below. Each short episode will have Hallmark Abstract Service CEO Mike Haltman describing the issue, and how all title insurance companies in New York ARE NOT the same!
TikTok Title Insurance Tutorial
Title Insurance Series Overview:… Watch here:
And now the 12 differentiating factors that in total, make Hallmark Abstract Service a go-to title insurance provider for so many attorneys in New York.
And remember, you have the RIGHT to choose the title insurance company that you would like to work with!
#1….Lower Costs: Costs can vary by many hundreds of dollars between title companies! Watch here:
#2…No Title Claims: Watch here:
#3…NO conflicts of interest! Watch here:
#4…Technology: Free, on-demand title bill technology! Watch here:
#5…The underwriters financial strength! Watch here:
#6…Your transaction will have one , and only one, dedicated expert to speak with! Watch here:
#7…You will be dealing with the owners! Watch here:
#8…Getting a 2nd opinion! Watch here:
#9…We do NOT take shortcuts! Your transaction is too important! Watch here:
#10…One client testimonial after another! Watch here:
#11…We maintain a laser focus! Watch here:
#12…Service, Service, Service! Watch here:
Remember, Do Your Due Diligence When It Concerns The Title Insurance For Your Real Estate Purchase In New York!
Watch ‘Do You Ever Wonder About Title Insurance? Maybe Not, But You Should’ at YouTube here,
Hallmark Abstract Service…You Buy Real Estate, We Protect It!