Tag Archives: veteran suicide

Cyber-Monday Idea…Help Us Save A Life (Lives)!

cyber Monday charitable giving

Why Hallmark Abstract Service Writes About What We Write About! If you are a frequent reader of the articles posted at the Hallmark Abstract Service website you may wonder why many have nothing to do with title insurance, mortgages or real estate and instead focus on the combat veterans 501(c)(3) Heroes To Heroes Foundation. The reason is […]

What Makes People Donate To Charity? (List)

why do people donate to charity

With all of the potential places and ways to make a charitable donation, how do individuals, corporations and foundations decide who to give their finite pool of funds to? It’s estimated that in the U.S. today there are more than 1.5 million nonprofit organizations running the gamut from public charities and private foundations to other types […]

IRA Charitable Transfers And The Heroes To Heroes Foundation

Summary: Congress is enacting permanent extensions of certain tax benefits for individual Americans that to this point have been temporary. The bill, expected to pass next week, is known as ‘The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015‘, or PATH! One of the most popular provision allows IRA charitable transfers that helps charities while at […]