Tag Archives: NYC air rights

What Are Air Rights Worth in NYC’s Hudson Yards? How About $265MM?

hudson yards photo

Over the years the Hallmark Abstract Service blog has occasionally dabbled around the periphery of an extremely complex and somewhat misunderstood segment of New York City real estate…Air Rights!  Transferable development rights, TDRs or air rights, allow for the transfer of unused development rights to another development site. The transfer of these air rights allows buildings to […]

Are Manhattan Air Rights Losing Some Of Their Luster?

Manhattan air rights prices on the decline

For readers interested in the subject of NYC air rights, this article examines how developer appetite in Manhattan seems to be waning utilizing price as anecdotal evidence! And, for those readers not particularly focused on this subset of the NYC real estate market but who have none-the-less had to suffer through many recent articles on the subject, rest […]

$100MM NYC Air-Rights Deal Cut But Not Yet Consummated On Manhattan’s West Side

Manhattan real estate development

Yesterday it was noted that NYC’s de Blasio administration is considering two potential changes to the air-rights policy that’s currently in place! The article, ‘Changes To NYC Air-Rights Policy Are On The Horizon‘, examined how tougher disclosure rules may be implemented to increase the transparency of air-rights deals along with the potential to ease the restrictions on […]

Changes To NYC Air-Rights Policy Are On The Horizon

The de Blasio administration is considering changes to NYC air-rights policy! Summary: Two changes that are currently under consideration…  ‘The first would involve private transactions, which allow developers to buy unused square footage from owners on the same block…Community groups have criticized the process as being too opaque, and have suggested that the city increase transparency […]

Everything you ever wanted to know about NYC air rights*!

*But may have been too far in the shadow of a huge residential skyscraper to know to ask! The purpose of the interactive map at the link below below, developed by The Municipal Arts Society of New York (MAS), is to alert New Yorkers of the potential for skyscrapers to rise where none now exist. The […]